30 | release

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(dedicated to r12012003 for being my oldest friend, and one of the closest i have. Cheers to almost 13 years of friendship!)

I stared at my phone in disbelief, my hands shaking. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. No. God, no.

Every single entertainment website and tabloid under the sun had reports of the premiere from last night, and every single one of them featured a glaring news I wished I hadn't seen.

I'd first understood something was wrong when I'd woken up in the morning to about twenty text messages from Kiara, Leah, and of course, Jackie -- all of them ranging from are you okay? to have you heard? to oh my goodness, Liz, I can't believe he'd do something like that. I have to have a word with him and possibly kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

I'd typed back, what are you talking about? and Kiara had been the first to reply. You didn't check the news?

Instantly, I'd checked some news websites which featured coverage from our premiere and post party.

And I wished I hadn't.

I now felt sick, bile rising to my throat. Pictures of Tyler holding hands with Hollywood's sweetheart Leigh Antipova were all over the internet. Pictures of him getting into the car with her, guiding her around the parking area, smiling at her... I didn't even want to look at them, at that bastard.

And here I was, thinking he'd changed.

I called Tyler, not being able to control myself.

"Hey, Lizzie."

His groggy voice sent jolts of anger through my body.

"What did you tell me when we agreed to return home separately last night? You said it's for the best, since you don't wanna let the reporters know we're dating just yet. Yeah, why should you? You were busy two-timing with someone else."

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, please, Tyler, don't play dumb with me. I'm sure Leigh wouldn't appreciate that if you did the same to her."

"What are you even talking about? Leigh, as in Leigh Antipova? She was heavily drunk last night, and just after you left, she came over to me, absolutely intoxicated. There weren't many people around, so I decided to take her back to her hotel."

I raised an eyebrow, tears running down my cheeks.

"Oh, yeah? And you think I'm stupid enough to believe you? I've made a mistake once, twice, but not a third time Tyler, not again."

"Liz, you don't understand, it's not what you think it is!"

"I've had enough of your bullcrap, Tyler, and it's time you got that through your thick skull. You think I'm gonna buy that excuse? What am I, five? You couldn't guide Leigh to her own freaking car and then leave her? Surely she didn't come to the theatre on foot?"

"Liz, just listen to me, she couldn't even--"

"Shut it, Tyler Callahan, I'm not willing to listen anymore. You've broken my heart once, and this time, just when the pieces were finally coming together and mending themselves, you had to trample on them once more, this time with double the force. I only called to tell you that I'm done, we're done, and as much as I thought I'd never have to say this, I will. Screw you, Tyler Callahan. You're not Ty to me anymore."

"No, Liz, just please---"

I hung up. I couldn't take it anymore. Now he was going to come to my room and try to give me another crappy excuse. I quickly called the reception desk and told them to see to it that Tyler did not disturb me in any way.

Sure enough, a minute later, I heard a commotion outside my room. Tyler was shouting at somebody and that person was trying to calm him down and negotiate with him. About fifteen minutes later the ruckus died down.

I felt numb. Absolutely void. I felt as if my heart didn't exist anymore. I willed myself to feel, to cry, to shout, to do anything, but to no avail.

Tyler Callahan had masterfully shattered me, once again.

I shut my phone off after taking one look at the seven missed calls and fifteen text messages from Tyler, and took a bubble bath. I let myself get soaked in the foam and lather, immerse myself in something other than my thoughts.

After coming out of the bath, and slippping into a summer dress, I decided I'd take a break and spend time with my own self. I opened my phone to another million missed calls and messages from him, but I ignored them. Kiara and Jackie had left a voicemail, asking if they could come over. I had a conference call with them and Leah and told them I needed some 'me time'. They were ready to come over and beat Tyler up, but I wanted to be alone, and they respected my choice. They knew I wouldn't do anything stupid.

I took my phone and purse and headed out of the hotel. I'd requested for a car at the hotel, and after getting into it, I asked the driver to take me to the quitest and calmest place he knew in LA. He gave me an understanding look and sped off.

A while later, I found myself standing in front of a rundown shop, with a sign that said Tunes. The driver had told me it was a music store that sold classical music CDs and old vinyls. It wasn't as popular as it used to be, so it was almost always empty. He said he himself came here when he needed some time alone. He was really kind, saying good music always helped to calm the soul.

I entered the shop and assessed my surroundings. An old woman sat at the back of a counter, writing something in a small diary. In front of her, rows upon rows of CDs and vinyls graced the shelves. Soft classical music played in the background.

The old lady looked up with a smile on her face. Her eyes widened in surprise on seeing me, probably because she wasn't expecting a customer, much less one my age.

"Hello, darling, how can I help you?"

I noticed her eyes were a bright blue, and even though she had a shock of white hair, she looked quite youthful. Smile wrinkles graced her face, and I concluded that I liked her.

I approached her with a slight smile.

"Uh, hi, my name's Liz, and I actually came here not really to buy anything in particular, but because I was in need of some peace and quiet in this busy city. I understand if you're occupied and not looking for any disturbance, and in that case, I'll leave immediately if you like. I just---"

She stopped me, waving her hands like it was nothing. "Oh, no, no, sweetie, it's no problem at all. I know how stressful and disturbing LA can get, and you're welcome to find your peace here. Take as long as you want, I don't get customers that often anyway. And you're also free to share anything with me if something's bothering you."

I felt gratitude and warmth course through my body. Smiling, I said, "Thank you so much ma'am, it really means a lot to me. I'll just go over to the shelves and sort through some music."

"Of course. You can also change the music here and play what you like. The CD player's at the back of the shop, by the small window with the flowerpot."

I thanked her again and went over to the shelves. I wasn't a huge fan of classical music but I liked to listen to it from time to time. I wasn't completely ignorant.

I picked a CD of Chopin's music and let it play. I knew this symphony. It had always calmed me whenever I'd listened to it.

I sat on a small beanbag and tilted my head backwards, closing my eyes.

Even 24 hours ealier I'd been a happy Hollywood newbie, ready to make her grand entrance into the world of movies. I'd had a wonderful boyfriend who was everything I could ever hope for, and more. He was the love of my life.

Apparently, I wasn't his.

Tyler had deserted me, again. The familiarity of the entire situation made me want to laugh. The fact that I'd fallen for his act and falsely trusted him once again made me want to cry.

24 hours earlier, everything had been picture-perfect.

Alas, I realised, it had been just that. A picture, an illusion. A polaroid of the sunrise.

In reality the sun had already set.

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