03 | screen test

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I could faintly hear voices inside the room where the auditions were taking place. Lucille had gone in and was auditioning for the lead role.

I hadn't seen Kiara Black yet but I'd seen the assistant director Matt Hewlett. He was the one who was calling in the girls one by one.

I stared at the looming door in trepidation. How would they look at me? First impressions matter right? I was dressed casually, would they have liked it better if I were wearing a dress? I usually don't bother about these things but now it was scaring the crap out of me. Would I be able to deliver my lines right? Would I fumble? What about my expressions? Oh god, I was definitely hyperventilating.
Finally, Lucille exited the room with a somewhat happy smile on her face. Oh, maybe she got the part. But they'd never reveal their decision on the day itself, right? Then why did she look so happy?
These thoughts swirled around in my head as I got up to enter the room. Lucille flashed a reassuring smile in my direction, as if to say, it's not as bad as it looks. Hah, easy for her to say.

I knocked on the door twice before hearing a businesslike voice say "Come in!" I entered and saw Kiara Black for the first time face to face. She was dressed differently than how I usually saw her. Well, obviously, you've only seen her on TV and there she has to dress formally!
She was wearing a casual tie and dye shirt with navy blue pants. She looked quite at ease, and surprisingly, that made me feel at home as well.

Her smile was warm and welcoming as she said "and who might you be young lady?"

I looked down at my file. "Uh, hi, my name's Elizabeth Townsend. You can call me Liz. I've come here to audition for the lead role."

"Well, Liz, before we begin, tell us a little about yourself."

I took in a deep breath. "I was born and raised here in Ashville, so you can say I'm a native here. I attended the local high school and now go to the local college as well. But i don't live with my parents anymore since the college is a bit far from home, so I've rented an apartment and visit my parents on weekends. I'm studying English Literature since I love the subject, but my true passion has always been acting. I would stand and act in front of my mirror and my mom would think I'd gone crazy. I used to have this best friend and together we'd put up plays and skits for our families on Friday nights, when we were young. Then as we grew up, we'd both participate in school plays and productions. That's about the only acting experience I've had. My best friend and I both loved to act, but it was always I who was more enthusiastic and passionate about it."

"Besides acting, my other hobbies include reading and playing my guitar, and singing. Other than that, I really don't have much to say about myself."

Kiara raised her eyebrows at me. "Looks like you and your best friend had lots of fun growing up."

I smiled at the memories. "Yeah, he and I were really close. We..."

Kiara interrupted me; her eyes suddenly had this new light in them. "Wait, wait. So it was a he? And it was? You mean, he and you aren't best friends anymore?"

I inhaled deeply before replying. "Uh, yes. He and I grew up together and were inseparable. But he left me. I mean, he wanted to pursue something and for that he had to move states. So he left me. He promised he'd keep in touch, but he never did. And that's why it hurts so much."

Kiara smiled softly and nodded. "I understand. And I think you might have the potential to be our new lead actress, because you know, the film's plot coincidentally is very similar to your story. So if we cast you as our lead I think you'll be able to portray the girl's emotions pretty well, considering you've been through a similar situation yourself. I anyway wanted a fresh face as my lead and now I think I've finally got one. But before that you must prove to me how good you are. Come on, I'll give you some lines, you need to enact them with conviction and emotion."

I could only gape at her while she said these words. Did she mean I had a chance of getting the part? I was actually the main contender for the role? Oh my god, this was too good to be true!
She handed me the script while Matt explained the basic storyline. There was no need to do that really since Lucille had already told me the plot. But still I listened attentively. Then Kiara motioned for me to begin.

I took a deep breath and plunged right in.

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