18 | take 4

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It was 12:35 when I finally decided on my clothes and got ready. I wore a simple white shirt with a checked skirt, and put on a light sweater for good measure, since it was a bit chilly outside. I let my hair down in its natural waves and chose to go without makeup. It was just a simple meeting of sorts at the park. Nothing special. Not at all.

I walked to the park since it wasn't quite far away. I entered through the wrought iron gates and sat on a rusty old bench. This was an old park, a place with so many memories. Ty and I used to come and play here almost daily until we were ten. Then, as soon as we reached the grand double digit club, we decided we were 'adults' and deemed it 'immature' to go play at the park. I wondered how immature that decision was.

I'd missed this park.

It was now lined by rusty benches in dire need of a fresh coat of paint, and smack in the middle were two swing sets, a slide, a see-saw and a sand pit, where a handful of children were playing. Their moms were either sitting on the benches or walking along the footpath on the sides. It looked serene, sweet and strangely nostalgic.

I was interrupted from my train of thought by a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Tyler, dressed in an unflattering pair of baggy pants and a loose, almost tattered tee. His face was half covered by huge sunglasses and he carried a hoodie on his arm. His hair was dishevelled and frankly, he looked a mess.

I frowned. "What happened to you?"
He grinned. "Fame and the fear of rabid fangirls happened to me."
I rolled my eyes, a slight smile gracing my lips. I'd sworn to myself I'd smile as less and tightly as possible when I was with the new, transformed Tyler. But I seemed to be doing the opposite lately.

I quickly turned the smile into a scowl. "So what are we gonna do?"
He shrugged. "What do you want to do?"
I stared off into the distance, thinking. Suddenly, I saw a little girl and a boy, both about six years old, stumbling in the sand pit. The boy had apparently hurt himself or something, and was crying loudly. Meanwhile the girl, looking fierce and determined, stomped over to another boy and smacked him on the arm. She started shouting at the other boy, so loudly that even we could hear her.
"Don't you dare hurt Danny! He's my best friend! I don't wanna lose him!"
The boy cowered in fear and nodded, whispering something to Danny, probably an apology. Danny nodded, while the girl carefully stroked his knee and gently patted it, smiling back up at him.

I found the entire scene so cute, I couldn't help but smile. Turning to Tyler, I whispered, "Remember, how once a mosquito bit you in this very park and you thought you'd got dengue and started crying? I had to take you home and comfort you for two hours straight. Plus I also got you cookies, I remember."

Tyler chuckled. "Yeah, god, I was such a wimp. You saw me cry because of a damn mosquito."

I snorted. "Was? You still are a wimp."
"Oh really? Let me tell you I'm quite the manly man."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
"Yeah? Then see these muscles!" He pulled up his sleeves and showed me his toned biceps. He patted them once, proudly. "Now do you believe me?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever. If it helps you sleep at night, then sure, I believe you."
Tyler glared at me, but beneath his heated gaze, I could see the twitch of his lips, indicating a smile.
Strangely, the conversation between us flowed smoothly for a while, without any stare offs, glare offs, arguments, accusations or insults. Only harmless, funny banter and reminiscent talk. I was beginning to slowly, very, very slowly, warm up to the idea of the new Tyler being my friend. Just the idea, mind you.

After a while of comfortable silence, I suddenly spoke up. "Do you miss these days?" I pointed at Danny and his best friend, now playing on the slide. "That used to be us. Do you miss it? Do you wish you could go back?"

Tyler stared at me with an unidentifiable look. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "What?"

Tyler stared at me as he spoke the next words.

"Every minute of every day. Every freaking day."

(A/N: Please vote, share and comment! I know this chapter was short but I didn't have much time to update and i also wanted to leave it at Tyler's words. But there'll be longer chapters ahead, don't worry!)

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