06 | lights

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It was the day of the script-reading session. To say I was hyperventilating would be an understatement. Today I would meet Tyler for the first time after two years. I wasn't that worried about meeting the rest of the cast and crew. If I'd been able to ace the auditions and talk to the director without freaking out, I could do so with the others as well. But Tyler was a whole different issue.
I straightened my black blazer dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Paris had insisted I wear something really good. So after I took my leave application from college and informed them about my casting in the movie, I went out with Paris to buy a set of new clothes. I was a bit worried about college, and whether I'd be able to handle everything at once. But I'd decided I'd take a break from my studies to do this movie, but after that I would complete my studies and get the degree. I didn't want to drop out just yet.
So now I was wearing the black blazer dress with dark grey boots. Ris had also forced a bit of makeup on my face, just a little bit of mascara and lip gloss. I wouldn't let her put anything else.
I took out my car keys and headed to the navy blue Volkswagen parked outside. I loved this car a lot. I waved bye to Ris and drove down to Moonbeam Hotel. As I got out and went to the reception to give my name, I saw a very well known face also making her way in. I gasped. Guess the fangirl in me was still alive.
Jacqueline Whitney was walking gracefully towards the reception area, wearing a simple but stylish beige shirt and black pants, her aviators resting atop her head. I gaped at her before realising I was publicly staring (not that it was my fault, Jackie Whitney was one of Hollywood's most famous, and sweetest actresses ever) and so I closed my mouth just in time for her to spot me.
She smiled.
"Hello, you must be that new girl roped in to play Hope. My name's Jacqueline Whitney, I'll be playing your sister in the movie. Pleasure to meet you."
At first I was confused as to how she knew it was me. Then I realised the hotel had been closed off and declared out of bounds to external guests, just so the celebrities could reside here in peace. It wasn't everyday people of this stature came to this small town to stay.
So Jackie must have known who I was considering I was the only new girl on set.
I smiled shyly. "Yeah, I'm Elizabeth Townsend, but you can call me Liz. It's nice to meet you too, Jacqueline. Plus I'm a big fan of yours so it's a win win situation for me."
Jackie Whitney laughed. "Thanks, Liz. And you can call me Jackie."
We then both gave our names to the receptionist and proceeded to make our way to the second floor where Kiara's suite was located. As we knocked on her door, Kiara opened it with a big smile on her face, her greying strands escaping from her topknot and framing her face. "Come in, come in, you two. Ah, so I see you've met Jackie, Liz. The rest are about to arrive soon."
We each settled on some cozy beanbags scattered on the floor. Kiara chatted with us about the film, as one by one all the stars came in. Johann Torres, Rhea Williams, Mike Schwartz, Ronan Johnson and Leah Cassidy. All big names in the industry. I was introduced to all of them and they seemed nice and welcoming enough. In fact they said they were glad to see a new face here, as they said, and I repeat, they were 'sick of seeing the same old'.
Matt looked at his watch. "Tyler is late. Has he told you anything, Kiara?"
Kiara frowned. "No. He hasn't. I think he's stuck in traffic or something. I'll call him, wait."
She called him. I waited with bated breath hoping he was murdered on the way or something. Yes, I was that desperate. Anything to stop him from coming.
Kiara hung up and said, "He's here. He was just checking in when I called him. He should arrive any moment now."
Just as she uttered those words, we heard a knock on the door. Kiara smiled at us and got up to open it. My heart hammered frantically in my chest at the thought of seeing my former best friend, the guy I loved, the one who'd left me for something as stupid as fame and money.
The door opened and I could hear footsteps coming in. My back was turned towards it so I couldn't see. Everybody said "Hey" together and I was forced to turn around, still not looking up. Kiara said, "Liz, meet your lead co star. Tyler Callahan."

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