14 | scene 2

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Two days and a lot of hyperventilating later, I arrived at our new shooting location, a deserted lane. This area was always a bit dark and empty and I'd never really ventured here. There were lanes, by-lanes and narrow alleyways and Hope was supposed to shoot a sequence with a policeman here.
My scene wrapped up pretty fast and then it was Johann's turn to shoot a scene. After everything was done, I took my bags, bid everyone farewell and turned to go. I had agreed to meet up with Paris that day so I had to rush and couldn't wait for the others.
I turned to go but suddenly someone grabbed my arm. I froze.
Tyler was staring at me intensely.
I snapped at him. "What?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Well, make it fast 'cause I need to meet my best friend after this."
"Your best friend?" He clenched his jaw.
I rolled my eyes. He seriously couldn't think I had the ability to have a best friend other than him? He thought I was desperate enough to cling on to him when he had shrugged me off long ago!
I narrowed my eyes. "Yes, my best friend. Paris. She's way better at being a friend than you, by the way."
"You're seriously going to hold that against me forever?"
I stared at him in disbelief. "You make it sound like you spilled some juice on my dress and I got pissed at you. I can't believe you, Tyler Callahan. I knew you were a jerk but I never thought you'd be this much of a jerk."

Tyler ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. "Look, I wanted to tell you that I'm...I'm sorry. I'm usually not one to apologise, so you should be glad you're receiving any apology at all."
This time I couldn't take it anymore. I took one step forward and slapped him hard on the cheek. He winced.
"You think you're a god, don't you? You think people should fall at your feet and thank the heavens above that you're generous enough to say sorry for being an absolute traitor and cheat. Well, let me tell you, hell will freeze over before I so much as even bother to consider your measly excuse of an apology!"
I punched him hard on the shoulder as he hissed in pain.

I turned on my heel and walked away, not bothering to see if he was okay.

And to think he actually meant something by that kiss.

(A/N: early update, yay! I know it's very very short and I'm sorry for that. But it's late at night over here, way past midnight so cut me some slack please. Anyway, I just wanna thank whoever is reading this story right now because Play Pretend has entered the Teen Fiction rankings! It's currently #389! Crazy right?)

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