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I looked up slowly, not wanting to meet his eyes. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer but all I could think of when I saw Tyler in the flesh was Oh my god.

His dark brown, almost black hair was windswept and had an effortless vibe about it. His lean, muscular figure stood 6 feet 3 inches tall, carrying a navy backpack. He was wearing a dark tee and jeans, aviators in his collar. But what struck me the most were his piercing emerald green eyes, looking straight at me.

Tyler straightened himself and narrowed his eyes at me. "What is she doing here?"

Kiara gaped at him. "You know her? But how?"

"You forget Kiara, that I'm originally from this town. She's an acquaintance from my teenage years."

"And you recognized her after all these years?"

Tyler shifted. "Uh, yeah, she looks pretty much the same and I figured it out since it's the same town and all."
Kiara stared at Tyler for a few moments before returning to her usual smiling face. "Okay, then, no need for introductions since y'all know each other. Let's get started."

I couldn't focus on anything at that moment. My body, mind and soul were all stuck at one sentence.
She's an acquaintance from my teenage years.

So that's what I had been reduced to? A feeaking acquaintance? That too from his teenage years? My throat and heart clenched at the words, bringing a fresh set of tears to my eyes. But I couldn't afford to cry now. I wasn't going to give my ex best friend the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I wasn't going to let his words affect me.

I started reading my script along with the others. We all read out our lines one by one, each trying out how our characters sounded in our voices. Then came the expressions and the proper understanding of the plot and story.

After the session was over, Kiara took a thick bundle of papers from her bag and passed them to everyone, whichever paper was intended for whichever person. Her lawyer was also present at the occasion, and the papers were all signed by the actors, including me.

They specified the details, terms and conditions of the film contract and a blank at the bottom of each page, for me to sign. I read carefully, then signed all the papers. Kiara got them all photocopied from the hotel manager and gave us each a copy to keep.

After that was over, we got up to go. Kiara took turns hugging each one of us. She seemed like a great hugger. But all I could concentrate on, in spite of her hug, was Tyler. He had a weird expression in his eyes, almost as if he were struggling with his own thoughts.

After we went out of the suite, Tyler suddenly took hold of my arm and started dragging me out of the group. The other actors had questioning looks on their faces. Tyler shrugged. "Just want to catch up with her, for old times' sake." The actors nodded, convinced with his lie, and headed down.

Tyler dragged me and took a turn down the corridor. There was a common restroom at the far end and he took me inside. After closing the door, he turned on me. "What are you doing here?"

This time I just couldn't keep my hurt and anger in check. "What am I doing here? What am I doing here? I'm here for acting, you jerk. Something you're very good at, isn't it? You act like everything's fine between us, you act like I'm nothing more than a goddamn acquaintance! What the hell is wrong with you? You have no right to drag me in here! Catching up, huh? You wanna catch up? Well, too bad, you lost that chance the second you broke your damn promise!"

I tried to push past him to open the door, but he blocked my hand, glaring. "You think you're all that, huh? Let me tell you, I was speaking the truth when I said you were an acquaintance. Because to me, you're nothing more than one."

When he said that, my heart shattered into a million little pieces, once again. I looked up at him, my dark hair falling in tendrils in front of my face. I brushed them aside with my hand and in the process, brushed aside a few tears as well. Then I stood up straighter and looked him square in the eye.

"You know what, I don't even know you. I don't know who Tyler Callahan is. I just know he's an arrogant, stuck up, egotistical movie star, who only cares about money and fame. I know nothing anymore about the boy I grew up with, because that boy was either a fake, or is dead. Tyler Callahan is a guy I don't know, and Ty is dead."

With that, I shoved past him, opened the door handle and jerked out. He didn't stop me this time. I heard him let out a shaky breath, but I no longer cared. At least I tried not to. As I got inside the elevator, I saw I was alone and sank against the gleaming metal wall, tears streaming down my face.
I have to work with that guy for a whole four months. God help me.

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