12 | take 4

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A few days passed by. Filming was going pretty great. So far I'd filmed scenes with every single actor, but my scenes with Tyler before his character went missing, were yet to be fully shot.
And that was what I was fearing the most.
Because my kiss scene with him was still left.
Apparently, Kiara decided to make my worst fear come true today itself.
"Hey, Liz, today we'll be shooting that part where Sky kisses Hope in front of her house, and her sister sees the entire thing from the window. That's a vital scene, so make sure both of you don't mess it up."
My face paled on hearing her words. Sure, I'd known this day was coming, but I could never prepare myself for the ordeal.
"Um, Kiara, do we have to do it today?"
Kiara, seemingly oblivious, replied, "Of course. We need to get this scene wrapped up asap, because we need to get Tyler prepped up for his 'forest' look, as I like to call it. He'll need time to get ready to look like he's been to hell and back."
Right. Of course.
How could I forget he needed time to grow a scruffy beard and adopt a ragged look to look like he had been in the forest while Hope had been searching for him?
I nodded. "Okay, let's get this done with."
Tyler also looked quite uncomfortable as he strode towards me.
"So, we need to do that scene today."
I nodded. "Yep, that scene."
He exhaled. "Fine, we'll get this done with."

"Lights, camera, action! "
Tyler looked down at me, as we stood in front of the set house.
He tilted my chin upwards to look at him and I swear I shivered a little.
"Hope," he breathed.
I looked at him with wide eyes, trying to forget this was freaking Tyler and concentrating on Sky. "Yes, Sky?"
"I-I...I think I'm in love with you."
My heart stopped at his words. Sure, this was acting, this was Sky, not Tyler, but I couldn't help feeling shocked. My heart was pounding like crazy, his fingers below my chin feeling scalding all of a sudden.
"Wh-what?" I managed to croak out.

Good. This was the reaction Hope was supposed to be having. I never thought I'd have this reaction myself after two years, but turned out I was wrong. Hopelessly wrong. No pun intended.

Tyler then leaned in and brushed his nose against mine. I drew a sharp intake of breath as he finally put his lips against mine.
My mind was screaming at me, "This is Sky! Not Tyler! Sky! Sky! And you're Hope! Goddamnit, Liz, focus!"
My hands went up and wound their way around his neck as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
It was magical, acting or no acting.
And I couldn't breathe.
Finally he pulled away, gazing deeply into my orbs. There was an emotion in his eyes I couldn't quite decipher, and I couldn't even tell if it was real or all play pretend.

I managed to whisper softly, "I love you too."

Kiara beamed at us and we broke out of our spell.
"That was perfect, you two! Such chemistry! I knew I'd made the right choice!"
Everybody present praised us for our amazing chemistry and pursuasive acting. Tyler shifted around and finally went back to his tent, muttering something about needing to grab a bite.
Jackie gushed. "Oh Liz, as I was watching you two from the window, I could literally feel myself swooning! Some amazing acting you put out there girl!"

Only, I couldn't quite figure out if I was really acting or not.

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