17 | take 3

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I had a day off from shooting, which meant I could rest at home for a full day without having to stress or worry about my acting and a possible confrontation with Mr Confusing aka Tyler.

Turned out I was horribly wrong.

I was lounging in my room, googling myself to see what was the latest news the media had cooked up about me. I was getting pretty good at handling them, actually. The paparazzi had even come up at my doorstep demanding answers to their ludicrous questions, as if I'd have anything to say except 'piss off'. But I'd managed to sport a polite smile and answer the less ridiculous questions with as much patience as I could muster and then shooed them off. After that, Kiara had told me she'd get me a bodyguard. Plus, I'd also get a personal manager once the film released.

Anyway, I was scrolling through a gossip website just because I had nothing better to do, when my phone rang, Kiara's name flashing on the screen.

I touched the green icon. "Hey, Kiara, what's up?"
"Hey, Liz, just wondering, are you free right now?"
"Yeah, I'm at home, why?"
Kiara hesitated before speaking.
"Look, honey, I understand the tension between you and Tyler. I know he'll not be easy to work with, considering your history with him. And that's why I'm suggesting what I'm about to suggest."
I narrowed my eyes unconsciously. "What?"
"Look, why don't you and Tyler meet up somewhere today and hang out? I mean, we all want you two to get along like the rest of us, and frankly, your constant bickering and glaring is getting quite tiring for us. You have a lot of chemistry, but it can't continue to be like this--all for show with nothing inside. You need to be mature and try to bury the hatchet. Be civil and friendly, even. And for that, you two need to spend some alone time with each other and get to know the new sides of each other. You're meeting after two whole years, you must have a lot of catching up to do. So, why don't you meet and hang out with him today, since you're both free?"

By the time Kiara's speech was finished, my mouth was hanging open and my grip on my phone had considerably tightened.

"What the hell, Kiara? You can't be serious! You actually want us both to be together, alone, for god knows how long! It's going to be disastrous!"
"On the contrary, honey, I'm sure it will work out for the best. You see, Tyler is very close to me, he's like my son. And in the few weeks I've known you, you've become like my daughter as well. I only want the best for you, and for my film. And for that, you really need to sort out your differences and forget the past. Please, Liz, I beg of you, do it for the film, at least."

I frowned. This was going to be tough.
"Alright, but only for the film. But what about Tyler? You saw how he reacted when you asked him to do the kissing scene. How is he going to agree to this?"

Kiara chuckled. "Thank the lord you agreed, Liz dear. I love you. And to amswer your question, I knew Tyler was going to be difficult about this, so I called him before you. But you know what? To my very surprise, he agreed to hang out with you without any hesitation whatsoever. It's like he genuinely wants to mend his relationship with you."

My eyes widened. He what?

Kiara gave me the number of Tyler's personal phone and made me promise I'd call him to arrange a place and time for us to meet. So I did, my heart thumping away while I heard his phone ring. His caller tune was set to Starry Starry Night by Don Mclean. I smiled.

Finally he picked up with a hesitant "hello?"

"I see, your favourite song is still Starry Starry Night."
After a pause, he answered, "Is that you, Liz?"
"No, it's my dead great aunt Margory."
"I see, you still haven't changed that line."
I froze. He remembered. When Tyler and I were still best friends, he and I would call each other non stop and sometimes, just to rile me up, he'd pretend to not recognise my voice over the phone and say, "Is that you, Liz?" and I'd roll my eyes and reply with the exact same sarcastic rsesponse. It had become like second nature for me and so even after all this time, when Tyler asked me that question (though this time he actually meant it), I'd instinctively replied with that same sentence. I thought he would mistake me for some crazed lunatic, but he recognised me.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, yeah. Okay, so you must be knowing that Kiara wants us to hang out today."
Tyler sighed dramatically. "Yeah, the horror."
I narrowed my eyes. "Are you being serious or sarcastic?"
"Oh, c'mon, Liz, you should be able to guess this! You know me so well!"
"Do I?"
The reply was out of my mouth before I could stop it, although I did wish I could take it back. There was silence on the other end.

"Tyler, I..."
"Save your breath, Liz. Anyway, so where and when are we meeting up? Although I really wish we didn't have to. I don't get why Kiara's doing this, it's not like anything's gonna change between us."

I sighed. And the jerk Tyler Callahan was back, ladies and gentlemen. I was kind of liking the way our conversation was going before this. But I ruined it.

"How about the Ashville park at 1? We can get lunch from Marco's Diner afterwards if you want. Wear some shades and a cap so that people don't recognise you, though I can bet your fangirls won't be at the park at that time. Plus you remember Marco's Diner, right? It's pretty quaint, few people visit it, though it's awesome."
"Yeah, I remember. I used to love it. Anyway, cool, I'll meet you at the park at 1. Be there on time."
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, sir."

I heard him chuckle a little bit before hanging up. I put back the phone with a slight smile on my face.

Maybe the hangout won't be as bad as I make it out to be.

I took a deep breath and got up to rummage through my cupboard to find some decent clothing to wear. I was going to meet up with a Hollywood celeb after all, I needed to dress up a bit.

At least, that's the reason I gave myself for even caring about what I wore.

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