10 | take 2

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A week passed by in a blur. We shot several scenes, including the part where my sister is murdered. My reaction at her death was also praised by my fellow cast and crew. We also took breaks in between and visited some local sights. I became their official tour guide and led them around the city, and obviously, the paparazzi followed us too.
Now that was something I definitely was yet to get used to. The constant attention and probing. After my name had been released to the media, they had come to interview us, especially me, at our filming site. A TV show host, and some news channel hosts. They plagued me with questions about my past, my life in Ashville, my friends, my love life (as if I had one) and my relations with the cast and crew. They especially targeted Tyler and my relationship. They sensed something was off between us and immediately probed us both with questions like "what's going on between you two?", "what's your relation with Tyler like?", "How well do the lead co-stars get along?" etc etc. Seriously, at one point, I was all but ripping their vocal chords out in rage and frustration. But I had to keep calm. I had a promise and reputation to maintain.
Today was a big day, since Tyler and I had been invited to a popular late night talk show to discuss the film, and our dynamics. The show was going to be hosted in NY and so we had to fly there for a day, just to get interviewed.
I'd been to the Big Apple twice before, so I sort of knew my way around. Tyler and I boarded the flight in the morning, him wearing a simple tee nd jeans, along with a baseball cap and shades to hide his face from the maniac fans and paparazzi. I, on the other hand, was wearing a white shirt and joggers. Simple and comfortable.
We met at the airport and boarded our flight. All this while we had spoken to each other only when necessary, and I'd tried my best to stay civil. But it was become increasingly harder, considering his grumpy face and incessant mutterings about me.
After we'd checked in and boarded our flight, I turned on him in my seat.
"Okay, you know I don't enjoy this any more than you do, but even then I'm trying my best to be civil, for our profession's sake. But you, on the other hand are so immature and stupid that you can't even board a flight with me without grumbling. Is it that hard for you to behave like a normal human being for once?"
He glared at me and turned away to look out of the window. But at least his mutterings stopped.
Once we landed and checked in to our posh five star hotel (and after I'd finished gawking), we placed our luggage in the suite and took turns freshening up. We didn't really have to unpack, considering we'd stay here for only 24 hours.
I went in first, took a much needed shower and changed into a comfy hoodie and sweatpants. Tyler then went in, and fifteen minutes later, came out. He was shirtless and wearing only a pair of sweatpants.
Now, I'd seen him shirtless several times before when we were friends but after two whole years, it tended to get a bit awkward for me. Especially since he looked so great.
I coughed and looked away. "Care to put some clothes on?"
He smirked. "Affecting you, ain't I?"
"Don't flatter yourself. You're forgetting I'm not as insane or as blind as your fangirls."
At that he simply scowled and looked away.

"Welcome to The Late Night Show With Louis García! Tonight, we've got two very special people with us, who I know you're dying to meet. So without any further ado, let's welcome Tyler Callahan and Liz Townsend!"
Tyler and I walked in from backstage, where we'd been waiting. I was wearing a pretty apple green dress while Tyler looked quite dapper in a shirt, jeans and blazer.
Louis seemed like an extremely good-natured and funny man as he welcomed and greeted us and we sat down. He began.
"So, Liz and Tyler, how's it going for you two?"
I shifted uncomfortably. Tyler answered for both of us. "Great, Louis, absolutely great."
"So, Liz, it's your first film and you've already bagged one with Kiara Black. Do you consider the reason pure luck, or pure talent?"
I rolled my eyes internally. These people couldn't get any dumber. But still, I smiled sweetly and replied, "A bit of both, actually. I got lucky, but it does take a minimum amount of talent to be part of Kiara's cast. I'm incredibly honoured and grateful for that."
The rest of the time passed by. I daresay I handled the questions pretty well. Those regarding Tyler and I were a bit tough for me, but we managed it together. More or less, it was pretty great.
We returned to our suite late that night and Tyler immediately began changing into a tee and a pair of joggers. He wore his converses as well. I frowned. "where do you think you're going?"
He looked my way. "out."
"What do you mean, out? Where?"
"Why should I be answerable to you? I'm going to Central Park to take a stroll."
I didn't reply. I really wanted to go as well because I loved Central Park and had always wanted to take a walk there late at night.
Tyler noticed my stance and somehow sensed what I was thinking. But instead of making some smart or rude comment, he said, "Want to come with?"

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