The One Where Noah Finds Out

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I woke up early in the morning and walked hurriedly down the cobblestone streets of the kingdom's main village. I went to my favorite brewery and then back home in time before Father realized I was gone.

He woke up and Mother made breakfast, Father took his place at the table after I'd set the table.

"Are you excited for the big day Noah?" Diana asked.

"Diana! I haven't told him yet!" Father exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you said you were going to tell him."

"I was, but then—"

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well, you're turning fifteen in three days, and we were hoping to marry you off to the princess of Trappolan Empire so we can form a peace treaty," Father explained.

I felt my face heat up with rage, "Well, good luck with all of that because I am not getting married."

"Not this again! You're brothers and sister got married, why can't you?"

"My brothers? You mean the ones who have a nicer castle than you, and the ones who have more money than you because they divorced the women they were forced to marry."

"Ugh! Why can't you just get married, it's not that bad."

"Yeah, you would know, you're the one that's had seven marriages, I miss Mom."

"I do too, but you must learn to move on."

"I don't have to do anything, the Bible says I have free will."

"You don't even believe in God." Diana remarked.

"Shut the fuck up Diana!" I said.

"Hey! You don't talk to your mother that way!"

"Mother? She's been living here for three weeks!"

"Yeah, and she's your mother, so get used to it."

"I didn't get used to the last five mothers I had, why start now?"

"You know what, just go! Get out of my castle."

"With pleasure," I picked up my plate and thew it at him with my food still on it, "your breakfast tastes like shit, Diana!"


I went back to the brewery and sat down at the bar holding up two fingers to signal the barkeep that I wanted two glasses of red wine.

"What's the matter?" Louie asked.

"It's a long story, let's just say I got in a fight with my piece of shit dad," I said.

"Oh, yeah that's gotta suck. Your father is the biggest dick in the kingdom."

"Yeah, sometimes I just wish I could be normal, but I'm doomed to be prince no matter what."

"You're the prince?" A voice across the room said.

"Depends, if you're just wondering then yes, but if you hate my father and want to kidnap me for ransom, then no," I said.

"So, you are the prince?"

"Yes, I'm prince Noah Browne of the Viridian Empire."

"Oh, that's cool, I hope you don't mind, but I hate your father. He's a greedy old bastard who obviously wasn't taught to share when he was growing up."

"Oh, that's fine, I hate him too."

"Yeah, he doesn't help out the poor like me. When you become king I hope you'll remember us little guys."

I looked at him and his towering physique and thought, "Little my ass! He could crush an apple with those biceps." I found myself drooling and them gathered myself before responding.

"Maybe I will, but I'm not gonna be king."

"Isn't the crown passed down to one of the king's sons?"

"Yeah, but I'm not doing that bullshit."

"Hm, I did not know that was an option."

"It's not, but I'll make it an option."

"Your attitude is very negative and sarcastic, I like it."

"Thanks, I get that a lot, what's your name?"

"I'm John."

"Well, John, you've got yourself a new best friend, and I'll make sure you and your family are given a large sum of cash to help with your money problems."

He hugged me my face pressing against his large and perfectly chiseled chest, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, and make sure to let everyone know that I'm standing up for the little guys."

"I will, you won't be disappointed." He left and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Louie asked.

"My dad's gonna kill me." I laughed.

"Yeah, but you'll have some muscle to protect you now."

"Yeah, John will definitely be happy when he gets that money."

"How are you gonna get it?"

"My father's vault. I know the password."


"Yeah... hey, so um... what do you know about John?"

"He's a good kid. He grew up poor and learned to fight for himself. He's super tall and super muscular, they say he can fight twenty guys at once."


"Yeah, but without a lot of money, an education was hard to get and with seven other siblings to look after, it only got harder. Sometimes he doesn't even have clothes he can wear and he just walks around naked."

"Poor guy." I said, but what I was thinking was so much worse.

"Yeah, but at least you're giving him some money, that way he'll have clothes to wear every day."

"Damnit." I thought. "Yeah. Well, I better get going or my father will definitely kill me." I said.

"Alright, Noah. See you later."

I went home and looked out my window at the stars wondering if someone like me could even help out the peasants. I'm a prince, I'm rich and pathetic, but John seemed to understand me. I feel so bad for him, and I just wanna help him out, but I'm scared to take money from my dad. He's a total dick sure, but I mean he has the power to execute me and that would honestly suck ass. It's almost like it's too easy though, I mean I could walk down there right now and steal enough money to buy another castle and he probably wouldn't notice for a good month. He's such an idiot too, and his wives are always whores who can't make a good meal. I miss my mom, a lot. She was always there for me. She wouldn't let this bullshit happen. I miss you mom, I really do, and I wish you were here to see me. I wish you here to see me now.

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