The One Where Karenina Finds Out

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"Karenina, madam? You are wanted downstairs in thirty minutes for the grand dinner party. Shall you need help getting ready?" Jasmine, one of the maids asked walking into my room.

"No, thank you. You may go." She bowed and walked out.

Once I was dressed, I exited my room and rushed to the dinning hall where Mother, Father, and the guests were all sitting around the table.

"We are so glad that you chose to join us, your highness." One of the butlers led me by the arm to my seat in the middle of the table.

Mother was at one end, while father was at the other. Different people were scattered around, either chatting or staring like they hadn't seen us before.

"Ah. The princess has arrived," The host tapped a glass to silence the room. Nobody dares to speak after being silenced. "So, as you all know, this meal is open to all discussion. The king shall begin the speech."

"Thank you, peasant. To begin, we need to discuss the current events concerning Vathepan and the people of the empire. They have proposed a peace treaty with our lovely princess, Karenina. She is to be wed to Noah, the-"

"What?!" I interrupted, which I would surely be in trouble for later. "You expect me to marry the what of where?!

"Honey, you are already set to marry the prince of the Vathepanian empire on the twenty-fifth of December. It will be lovely." Mother replied.

"I am seventeen! Do I not get an opinion on the matter?!" I began to yell. A peasant guard walked up from behind me.

"You highness, this is unreasonable behavior." I glared at the man as I exited the room.

I could hear my mother's heels close behind. I hurried back down the long corridor, through the welcoming room, up the stairs, and to my own room. When I got in there, I locked my door and closed my curtains. I flopped onto my bed and heard Mother knock on the door.

"Karenina, open this door, immediately." She had a petite voice that I didn't care at all to listen to.

"Honey, just talk to me. We need to discuss this."

"Go away! I can't discuss anything with you!"

"Karenina Marcela Green, open the door!" I think she tried to yell, but I was already dozing off into a dark sleep.


"Your majesty, you have the big speech in two hours. You need to wake now!" Someone woke me.

As I opened my eyes, I saw a small girl, in a maids uniform. She had brown hair tied back in a ponytail, green doe eyes, and looked quite nervous.

"Why, hello. Have we met?" I was sure that I had met her.

Mother and Father never hire peasants without my okay. This girl looked slightly young though, and I am sure that I would have recognized her.

"No, Princess. The King hired me yesterday." I nodded.

"Okay, what's your name, peasant?" We very rarely prefer to use your names instead of peasant, but it's nice to know."

"Jessica." She spoke quietly and averted her eyes as I got up, making me laugh. Someone had apparently taken my gown for cleaning while I slept.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jessica. Do you have a schedule?" She nodded and handed me the paper with the month and week number at the top.

As I began to read over it, it looked strangely familiar. This girl and I spend ninety percent of our day together.

"What? Were you hired to babysit me?" I spoke rhetorically.

"Looks like we better get along then, peasant. How old are you?" I couldn't exactly blame her, no matter how angry I was.

"Sixteen." I laughed. No way this little girl was sixteen.

"Let's try that again. How old are you?"

"I am sorry, Princess. I am not following."

"I know that you are not really sixteen. You are too small. How old are you really? Thirteen?Fourteen?" She shook her head, starting to shake slightly as I began to put on my clothes, I pretended not to notice.

"I am r-really sixteen, your highness." I guess she was serious. Why was she so small?

"Are you sick or hungry? You are very petite." She made a confused face.

"This is what most of my family looks like." I was confused.

"You mean that you are just some random girl from below? You had no previous tie to the superiors?" Her face looked offended as she shook her head.

I grabbed her grimey hand as I walked to the throne room, where I hoped to find Mother and Father.

"Look who finally awoke. Very good, peasant." Fathers deep voice broke through the room.

"Why did you assign a disgusting little peasant from below to watch me?! She is all skin and bone! Small and no good for anything!" I yelled and glanced to the girl. A few tears fell down her glass face as she looked down. Mother and Father both glared at me.

I am a monster.

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