The One With The Kidnapping

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The princess stormed out of my room making me feel uncomfortable when I asked Jessica to leave.

John looked at me, "Don't even think about it." I frowned knowing he was talking about the Vodka.

"Noah, you're better than that." He tried to convince me.

"No, I'm not, I'm some pathetic bitch leeching on to my father for money and support." I said making him frown at me.

"Why do you think these things about yourself?"

"Because, they're true."

"They aren't true and you need to realize that."

"I think I'll just keep on calling myself useless and then it'll eventually get to me and I'll just kill myself." I stood up and walked to my dresser.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Watch me." I mumbled pulling out a pair of stockings and a shirt. I took off my fancy clothes and put on the comfortable ones.

"You wouldn't do that to me. Would you?" John asked making me more irritated.

"No, I'm fine, but Karenian's right. I'll live my life how I want. You don't need to baby me."

"I baby you, because I know what's best for you."

"That's not true, if I want Vodka, I'll drink Vodka."

"You will not!" His voice grew more stern.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going downstairs."

"What for?"

"To get something."

"What is this something?"

"Nothing! God, you're acting like my dad!"

He grabbed my hand, "Calm down."

I pushed him away and he hit me, hard. I lost my balance and fell, I looked at the floor as tears streamed down my face. I looked up at him the tears falling to the floor he held out his hand and I slapped it away and stood up.

"Just because I'm the bottom in whatever the hell this is, doesn't mean you get to treat me like a housewife who can't stand up for herself." I walked out of my room, slamming the door behind me.

I went downstairs and my personal chef noticed I was crying and came over to me.

"Your highness, are you okay?" He asked.

I looked up and he gasped noticing the hand print John left on my face. "Who did this?" Chef asked.

"No one." I mumbled.

"No, it was someone, and I'm telling your father if I don't get an answer immediately."

"You know what, I'm not telling you anything. I don't have to listen to you anymore and I'm not scared of my father. I won't have you treat me like a child, if I'm old enough to get married I'm old enough to make my own decisions. So, fuck you, fuck my dad, and I hope you wake up in Hell tomorrow you stupid fucking bitch." I shoved him to the floor and walked outside.

I went to my horse and rode him into the forest. It was dark, and I couldn't see very well, but I kept going. I could have sworn I heard voices, but I don't have memory of anything that happened that night because I was knocked unconscious. No one was around to hear the club smack my hollow skull. No one was around to see the people responsible take me away and kill my horse. No one was around to help me escape and I was now on my own.


I woke up in a dark and damp room that smelled of cum. It was unpleasant and I was handcuffed to a metal bar attached to the wall. My ankle had been handcuffed to the floor and I could only move three inches to the right and back three inches to the left. Someone had placed me in the floor and stripped me of all my belongings, including my clothes. So, this was it, I was in a dark room chained to the wall and floor and to top it all off I was only wearing a loincloth. I heard voices outside the door and then it opened a tad and three men walked in.

"Prince Noah of the Vathepan Empire, you were found on our territory and have been taken into custody." The tallest man said.

"I was in the demilitarized zone!" I rejected.

"That's not what our scouts say."

"You mean the little pussies who had to team up to defend themselves from a fifteen year old boy."

"I'd watch it, if I were you." The most muscular one said.

"Or what?" I said my voice breaking.

"Or things will get rough for you."

"You can't do this! I demand to be taken back to Vathepan immediately!"

The three of them laughed. I noticed a knife someone had left. If I could stretch my leg out far enough I could get it. I struggled and sarcastically whined, it was a trick I'd learned to do with most men, make them feel tough and powerful and you can do anything with it. I got the knife and squeezed my hand through one handcuff they'd left loose. I hid my loose hand and knife behind my back and did my technique again and then I cut the chains on my hands and then my legs. I stood up and crossed my arms and waited for them to stop laughing. They finally opened their eyes and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know how you escaped, but you're one boy against three adults." The tallest one said.

"Yeah, you're just a weak little—" I threw the knife with a swoosh as I stabbed square into his neck and after a few moments of exaggerated gasping his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he collapsed.

"Which one of you dicks is next?" They ran at me and I ducked and rolled. I pulled the knife out of the one guys neck. The tallest one ran at me and stabbed the knife through his heart sending blood gushing onto the floor and threw his lifeless body across the room.

I stared at the last man who was only a bit taller than me. I moved my neck to both sides making a cracking sound each time. He narrowed his eyes and I did the same. He ran at me with his fist aimed for my head. I ducked and then kicked his crotch causing him to collapse. I grabbed the knife from the other guys chest and stabbed it into the last guys back. His body went limp.

After I'd changed into my clothes I found in a small container at the back of the room, I snuck into the forest and ran for home.

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