The One Where Jessica Has Her Baby

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Noah's POV

"Hurry, Damnit!" I yelled as they carried Jessica upstairs into her room.

"Towels!" I yelled again as I placed a wet rag on Jessica's forehead.

Karenina was to deliver the baby and I was to be the one yelling push at her when she went into labor.

John came back with a bucket of water, scissors, towels, and other supplies. Once we were set up John helped hold Jessica's legs open while Karenina kneeled in the floor and watched Jessica's vagina.

"Alright, here we go." Karenina said as she began to shorten and open Jessicas cervix.

"Owww! My back!" Jessica yelled.

"It's okay, sweetie. This is normal." Karenina said.


"It's okay, it's okay, you're just having your first contraction."

More fluids began to come out of her vagina and John gagged.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! She's having a baby here!" Karenina said.

I thought for a long moment about the fact that in about eight hours I'd be a father. Oh my God, I'm gonna be father. The world around me went dark and I fell to the floor.


"Noah? Noah?" I heard John's voice as I came to.

"John?" I said as he lifted me up. "Did... did I miss it?"

"No, baby. She's still having her contractions, but she's at nine centimeters, so she'll be having the baby any minute now."

"Oh, John. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father."

"Well, it's a little too late for that."

"No, I mean. I'm scared, what if the baby doesn't like me? What if I'm a terrible father?"

"Noah, honey. It's gonna be okay."

"Wait! We don't have a name!"

"Yeah, you said you wanted to wait until the baby was born to give you inspiration."

"Oh, yeah. God, I'm so tired. I haven't slept in forever."

"I know, honey. I know." He took me in his arms and patted my back.

"You're gonna be a great dad." I said and then a thought crossed my mind, "What's the baby gonna call me?"


"And you?"

"... daddy." He smirked and I slapped him.

"Only I get to call you that."

"Well, the baby will be calling me that too."


"Hey! Dumbasses she's at ten centimeters get in here!"

"You ready?"


We ran into her room and Jessica began to breathe rapidly as I ran to her side.

"Alright, I see a head." Karenina said.


"There's the shoulders! The chest, the stomach!"


Jessica screamed as Karenina pulled and I continued to yell push at her.

"There's the... ITS A BOY!" John gasped and so did I tears strolled down my face and I started to yell again.


A final scream left Jessica's lips as the baby popped out and Karenina lifted it up for us to see. He was beautiful. She handed the baby to Jessica and a smile spread across her face. She laughed.

"He's adorable."

Once she cut the umbilical cord and cleaned the baby up she handed him to me.

I cried even harder now, "Hey, baby." I laughed as I rocked it from side to side. "You're a quiet little thing aren't you?"

The baby gurgled and I kissed his forehead.

"So... do you feel like a father yet?" John asked.

"I don't know," the baby's eyes locked on me and he held out his hand and wrapped his fingers around my finger and my heart lit up, "now I do."

John patted my back and kissed my forehead, "He's ours, I can't believe he's ours."

"What are we gonna call him?" I asked.

"Well, since Jessica did all the work pushing him out of her, let's let her name him."

"Oh, guys. Thank you. I'm gonna name him... Jonah, it's John and Noah combined."

"It's perfect."

"Congratulations, you two." Karenina said.



"Can I have a moment alone with the baby?"

"Yeah, sure." Karenina said.

"Yeah, Babe. You take the time you need."

"Um... I can't stand up." Jessica said making us laugh.

"It's okay, hon. I'll go to my room."

I walked in and closed the door behind me, and I looked around.

"All this is yours." I said to Jonah as he giggled. "You're such a happy little thing." I bounced him up and down as he fell asleep.

"You're mine, and I'll always love you, Jonah."


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