The One Where John Tells Noah

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Noah's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at John as tears welled in my eyes.

"You've pissed her off twice now!" I continued.

"It's not what it looks like." he mumbled.

"Then what is it John? What is it?" Tears rolled down my face and he led me to our room.

"Look, we were both very drunk, in fact the only reason we spent four hours doing that was because three and half of those hours were us getting drunk. I cried and she cried, but I didn't harm her at all, I may have been rough and bruised some areas, but the whole blood thing is a different story."

I swallowed, "You're not lying?"


"Then continue."

Four Weeks Earlier
John's POV

"Jessica!" I hiccuped, "Put... p-put the sword down!" I yelled drunkenly.

"N-no! I'm a goddess of war!" She protested pointing the sword at me.

"J-Jessica we need to do sex, or else you can't have your baby."

"Oh yeah," she laughed nasally, "t-that's right."

She began to swirl and then dropped the sword and fell off the bed cutting her arm on the edge.

"Ow! Fuck you bed!" She said giggling.

"Oh shit! Kareninas gonna be... heehee she's gonna be so mad." I looked around the room and spotted a blanket in the corner and wrapped it around her arm.

"We should," she burped, "have sex now, right?"

"Yeah, probably." I began to blackout and Jessica shook me wildly but that didn't help so she grabbed the sword and stabbed my arm.

"Wake up, fucking sleepyhead!"

"Ow! Jessica, why would you do that?" There was blood splatter on the cover now.

"Here, let's just hurry before they walk in." I was too drunk to realize that I'd forgotten to lubricate my dick or her pussy, but it was too late I'd came in her within twelve minutes.

"Oh no! Your vagina's bruised and is that a scab?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah! Well, I mean that's the biggest thing that been up there so bruising is normal. Then the scab was from when we were riding the horses through the town and the saddle kind of scrapped it a little, if you know what I mean."

"Ew, well I guess we're done."

"Y-Yeah, I guess so."

We looked at each other for a bit and then kissed before I noticed her vagina was bleeding.

"Oh no! Did I do that too?"

"No, it's normal, it'll be okay." She kissed me again and then I got up and went to medical with Jessica and when that was handled I went back to my room and saw Noah sleeping.

I kissed his forehead, "Goodnight, gorgeous."

Back To The Present
Noah's POV

"Wow, I'm sorry I accused you of hurting her." I said hugging him.

"It's okay."

"But, I wanna make sure, so show me where she stabbed you."

He lifted up her shirt sleeve and there was a bandage there and I peeled it off to see and stitched up scar that was about three inches long.

"And you didn't hurt her... down there?"

"Nope, I mean we were both crying, it was too tight for me and it was too big for her, we both bled and we both hurt our parts."

"I'm so sorry, and now I'll go have a little talk with our fair Queen." I said storming out of our room.

I knocked viciously at their door.

"Yes?" Karenina said opening the door.

"May I see Jessica for a moment?" I asked.


Jessica came over and I grabbed her arm and lifted up her sleeve and there in fact was a long gash along her arm.

"Aha! So it's true!" I said.

"What?" Karenina said.

"Look, the blood on the cover was from her arm, here let John tell you the whole story."


"Princess?" Karenina said.

"Yes, Mommy?" Jessica said.

"Is all this true?"

"I don't know, I was too drunk to remember anything and I jumped to conclusions. I'm so sorry John."

"It's okay, you didn't mean any harm."

"I'm sorry too John, I guess you aren't such a horrible person after all."

"Wow, a compliment? For me? Oh you shouldn't have."

They gave each other a glare and Jessica and I elbowed them.

"Well, glad this is all cleared up then." I said.

"Yes, certainly." Karenina said.

We all went back to our rooms and went to bed, tomorrow was the big day. The villagers would finally get to let into the gates and into their new homes.

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