The One With Jessica's Hot Older Brother

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Noah's POV

"So... you excited to meet Jessi's family?" I asked John as he dressed.

He turned around quickly making his flaccid member swing wildly. I giggled and blushed.

"Yeah, I mean I don't really know how to explain the whole... baby thing to them."

"What? You don't know how to tell the parents of the girl you knocked up that you're already married to the King of the kingdom they're living in and that her lesbian wife hates your guts?" I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes, "What is hard about that?" I asked sarcastically.

He laughed sarcastically and then bent down and kissed me. "I love it when you make me feel stupid."

"Aww, that's so sweet but not exactly gonna get you in bed."

"Well, damnit."

"Anyway, what you want to do is tell them that you and Jessica are married and that you're both having the King and Queen's baby. I'll get Karenina on board and make sure she goes along with everything. Jessi and I talked this over and we both know how this is gonna go down."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, yeah! Jessi said her parents are super homophobic and religious."


"Yeah, so we're gonna have to keep a low profile."

"Okay, let's go and meet Jessica's parents."


"Hello, babygirl." Her dad said as he opened the door.

"Hi, Daddy!" She said giving him a hug.

"Didn't think I'd ever hear that sentence from her." I said making Karenina elbow me and John laugh.

"And you must be the father!" Her dad said giving me a huge embrace.

"Oh, no! I'm the king and this is my wife, Karenina," I pointed to the Queen, "and this is her... husband." I point to John and he patted my back because he knew it made me uncomfortable.

Her father gave John a hug and I giggled a little when I notice that even Jessica's father was about a foot shorter than John.

"Well, all of you come in and meet the rest of the family."

We walked inside to a cozy little cottage that smelled of broth. I looked around and saw five other people.

"This is my mom." Jessica said pointing to a waving woman, "And these are my older brothers and sisters."

There were two boys, one tall and muscular with dark brown hair and the other short and stout with light brown hair. There were two sisters and one has short black hair that hung just below her waist and the other was tall and had short hair just above her shoulders.

The taller brother stood up and shook my hand, "A pleasure to meet you." He said winking at me. I felt my face heat up.

Once everyone had been introduced the mother led us into their kitchen and sat us all down at the table to eat.

"Okay, So could you explain your situation one more time?" Her mother asked.

"Okay, so the Queen and I couldn't have babies because she's infertile and my sperm count is too low. So, we asked these two our favorite maid and guard to have the baby for us. They got married after they had sex because they realized how much they loved each other." I explained.

"Okay. Well, dinner is done, so children you can bond with the King and Queen while your mother and I talk to Jessi and her husband." The father said and the children all nodded and we all got up and left.

"Hey, King why don't you join me outside?" The taller brother said winking at me.

"O-Okay..." I blushed and giggled and he grabbed my hand and led me outside.

He took me behind the house and looked me, "So... I hope you don't let anyone else know this, but I'm gay and I think your body is smokin."

"Oh, I'm... I'm flattered, but I can't."

"But, why?"

"I'm married to Karenina."

"No you're not I could see the tension between you and John."

"What?! How did you know?!"

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is this..." he placed his hands behind my ears and pulled me into a kiss.

It was wrong but his passion was raw and his energy was... sexy. He pulled off his shirt revealing his chiseled stomach and my mouth fell open. This was horrible, but I couldn't stop he pulled on his member and I realized what I was doing.

"No! I can't!" I turned to run but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him, his member rising.

"Help!" I yelled, but he covered my mouth and pulled down his pants to reveal a long but skinny dick. He laughed mischievously as he forced my head into his crotch area he used another hand to force my mouth open. He was slowly pulling me into it before I heard a cracking sound and all the pressure on my mouth and head disappeared.

It was Karenina, she helped me up and wiped away the tears that were rolling down my face.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay." She said hugging me.

"H-he was t-too g-gorgeous. I'm s-such a sh-shitty husband to J-John." I said in between sobs.

"No you're not! He forced you, okay? You did nothing wrong." She held me close as I cried.

Once I was done I walked back inside and John saw me and came running over.

"I heard what happened, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." He said, "And if these bastards weren't homophobic I'd hug you right now."

"It's okay, Karenina punched him in the face and I'm pretty sure she broke his nose." I said.


"Yeah, talk about girl power."


We went home after a few more hours and walked up to our room. Jessica and John managed to do fine at pretending they were a married couple. And no one found out about Jessi's older brother trying to rape me so that was good too.

"I'm so sorry, about Gordon." Jessica said to me as we walked upstairs.

"It's okay, this has happened many times before, but at least he didn't beat me with whips and then make me drink bottles of cum."

"What the fuck?!"

"Yeah, I've been though some pretty dark shit."

"But still, he shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah," I pulled Jessica closed and whispered, "and if Karenina hadn't saved me... I hate to say it but I might have gone through with it."

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