The One With The Big News

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Noah's POV

Two weeks had passed since the ball, we didn't tell the press about our whole gay and lesbian group thing. Instead, we watched as the guests started to leave three hours before they were supposed to because of a thunderstorm.

"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" John asked us as we walked to the dinning hall.

"I'm not sure." Karenina said as we took our seats.

"Well, I have an idea," Jessica said walking into the room with an excited face, "we could go and tour the new kingdom! They finished building it last night!"

"They did?" John asked standing up and running outside with all of us close behind.

"Oh my! It's... it's beautiful." I said.

"Yeah, and you know what else?" Jessica asked.

"What?" Karenina asked.

"Well... I kind missed my period and that kinda means that..."

I gasped, "Are you?"

She smiled, "I think so."

Tears welled in all our eyes and then we all hugged each other and sobbed together.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" John said as tears rolled down his chin and dropped on my head.

"You are so fucking tall." I said making us all laugh.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a biological dad." John said.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a legal mother." Karenina said.

"And I can't believe I'm gonna be a biological mother." Jessica said.

"And I can't believe we all have something that we can't believe." I said.

"Shall we tour the kingdom now?" John asked wiping the tears off his face.

"Yeah, we need to make sure our baby grows up in the best town it can." I said walking outside.

We walked down the cobblestone streets of our new kingdom and looked at all the houses and shops. The gates were locked and the walls around the kingdom were too high to climb, the perfect security.

"This is amazing, I can't believe it only took them two months." John said.

"I know, it's incredible." I remarked.

"Are you guys ready to go back to the castle?" Jessica asked panting.

"Shit, you're pregnant! You need to take it easy, John carry her back to the castle." I said. 

"Noah, calm down it's gonna be okay and I'm gonna be the one carrying her back to the castle." Karenina said picking her up and walking back towards the castle.

I looked at John, "Fine." He said squatting down. I jumped into his back and curled my legs around his waist.

"You guys wanna race?" I asked as John caught up to them.

"That's not a fair race, because I'm carrying precious cargo and John's a fucking athlete." Karenina said.

"Sounds Like you're just a sore loser, Karenina." Jessica said.

"Ooh SHIT!" John said.

"Shut your fucking mouth and get ready to lose." Karenina said getting into position.

John did the same and Jessica and I started to count down, "3... 2... 1... GO!"

John took off and blew Karenina away, but I heard her hurried footsteps catching up quickly. I bounced on his back as Jessica grabbed his shoulder and pulled her and Karenina next to us.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I said.

"All's fair in carrying a pregnant woman." Karenina said running ahead of us.

"Faster John!" I yelled.

"Hehehe." I slapped him.

"Go faster or you won't get to hear me say that tonight." He sped up and narrowed their lead.

The castle began to appear in the distance and I knew what would get him going faster. I licked his neck and pulled at his dick. He moaned and his legs started to move twice as fast he passed up Karenina and Jessica and ran into the castle as I finished and he came.

"Whoa, that's definitely cheating!" Jessica said.

"All's fair in love and masturbating." I said with a smirk.

"Whatever, you guys are cheaters." Karenina said.

"Hey, Noah... did you wanna..."

"Go finish what we started in my bedroom? Yeah, I had the same idea." He smiled and picked me up and carried me to my bedroom.

"Those two are so weird." Jessica said.

"Tell me about it." Karenina remarked.

"Wanna go have sex too?"

"You read my mind." Karenina said picking her up and kissing her neck.

Jessica let out a giggle, "Hurry, Mommy."

"Aw, why don't we have cute nicknames like that?" John asked.

"Fine, Daddy. Now, strip me already and fuck me!" I said.

"Whoa, calm down Noah." Karenina said.

"Well, he's not wrong you guys are taking a long time to strip us and fuck us, so get to it."

"Patience, little ones." John said licking my neck.

"Yeah, we know what we're doing." Karenina said walking to her door.

Her and John closed the doors and smirked at Jessica and I and the fucking began.


"Today has been one of the best." I said as we sat around the dinner table.

"You said it." Karenina said.

"I don't think I've ever had this much fun." John said.

"I don't think anything could ruin this." Jessica said.

"Are you guys excited about the villagers moving in tomorrow?" John asked.

"Definitely! I can't wait to meet everyone!" Jessica said excitedly.

"Me too, and we've gotta make sure we're fair to the poor." I said.

"Oh, definitely. We won't make the same mistake as our parents did." Karenina said.

"Speaking of parents," one of our servants said, "I heard they're aren't giving their land to you after what happened at the ball."

"What?!" The four of us said at the same time.

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