The One Where Karenina Cries

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We all went back inside, and I walked to the room that me and Jessica were sharing. When I walked in, she was facing away from me, changing. I couldn't speak or move. She was wearing a plain white bra and small mauve panties with a beautiful white band and small hearts aligning the band.

"Jessica." I let my voice break out. She turned around with a gasp, quickly throwing her small brown dress over her head.

"S-Sorry, your h-highn- I mean- Karenina." I laughed at her stuttering baby voice.

"No, no. Don't apologize." She just looked at the floor like she expected me to scold her. I didn't mean to make her so scared. I closed the door and took a few small steps towards her.

"You're cute for a peasant." I said to the worried girl.

"O-Oh. Thank you, your highness!" She bowed as she said.

"I always get what I want, and now, I want you."

"P-Princess, I have to tailor the gowns for your upcoming wedding."

"I already have someone handling that. I also have a clear schedule." I couldn't stop my hand from sliding down her scared, porcelain face to her waist, where it stayed. "Maybe you should help me fill my schedule. The princess hates being bored."

"W-What do you want from me?" She refused to look at me.

"I want you to lay down, Jessica." She shook as she sat on the bed.

"K-Karenina, I'm n-not following."

"Take off those pretty little panties for me, cutie"

"Y-Your highness." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what to call me."I pushed her back on the bed as the door opened. There was the prince in all his fucking interrupting glory.

"O-Oh sorry." He rushed out, closing the door back.

He yelled through the door, "I need you two in my room when you have a free minute!" We heard his hurried footsteps leaving. I looked back at the red flustered girl, making me laugh.

"Sorry, peasant. His words must have just gotten into my head. Are you okay?"

"Did I d-do something? Why do you go from so n-nice to so mean to me? I don't mean to upset you."

"No, Jessica. It's not you. I just listened to some stupid stuff that Prince Noah's guard said, and it made me act kinda weird. I'm sorry. Did I scare you or hurt you?" She shook her head, making a confused face.

"Good. I better go see what he wanted. Do whatever it was that you were needing to do." I rushed out of the room, pissed at myself for what I just did. I rushed into the prince's room. He was laying on the bed and his guard was sitting shirtless in his chair. 

"Ooh! Did the Princess get some peasant pussy?" Noah started as soon as I walked in. I closed the door, flipping him off.

"That shit that you said is getting to me. You better fucking take it back before I do something stupid."

"What did I say exactly?" John asked.

"When you two said all that stupid shit about me and Jessica. Take it the fuck back!" He laughed at me.

"Sure, I take it back. You know it's true whether I pointed it out or not. You loooove her." I flipped John off.

"No, I don't! What did you want anyway?"

"We have to write vows and speeches and shit for the wedding tomorrow."

"I'll get Jessica to write mine. Can we get drunk now?"

"You can not be hungover during our wedding!" I rolled my eyes.

"Wait a minute! Do I have to kiss you?!" He shook his head.

"Nah. I researched it. We can have a custom wedding or some shit. We can either light some funny looking candle thing, or we can do some liquid mixing thing."

"Can we please get drunk before we plan this shit?" He sighed.

"That sounds great." Noah said sitting back down on his bed.

His guard piped up glaring at him, "No, it doesn't." He rolled his eyes.

"Just vodka! There is no way that I can plan a wedding with this asshole sober!" He ranted at his guard.

"Love you too, bitch." We laughed, but his guard didn't seem happy.

"Lighten up, John. It's my wedding!" The guard, presumably John, just continued glaring.

"Ugh. Come on prince. You don't need his permission. He's not you dad." I complained. Now, they were both glaring at me

"Princess, I think you should go back to your girlfriend." John spat, venomously. I was slightly scared of him.

"Sorry, prince Noah just is able to live his own life." I tried to shrug him off. Then, Jessica walked in, making me sigh. Great, more of this.

"She is on her way back, Jessica." The fuck is the prince angry at me for?! I refuse to look weak now.

"I will not be told what to do by my fiance." I smarted off to the asshole that I was marrying. John jumped up defensively, yelling back at me.

"Stop showing off in front of your crush and by all means your highness, fuck off!"

"My goddamn crush?! What am I? A middle school whore?! I don't have a crush because boys are assholes!" The prince and his guard leaned back smirking.

"Exactly." The prince whispered, smugly as I stormed out of the room in tears. I don't fucking cry! I'm not weak!

But they can read my mind perfectly.

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