The One With Jessica's Brilliant Idea

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"You have to be kidding me," I complained as John and Karenina walked through the garden with me.

"Yeah, looks like your parents are the ones in charge of this whole thing," Karenina said.

"This sucks ass."

"Yeah," she looked around, "Where's Jessica?"

"I don't know, but I would like to know why you're so hard on her."

"Because she's a peasant."

"So? She could be a flying dick, and you'd still have to have her as your maid."

"Ugh, I guess. There's just something about her."

"Maybe it's the fact that you're so obviously in love with her," John said.

"What?!" Karenina and I said at the same time.

"Well, I mean think about it. Her clingy attitude evokes an angered reaction from you and then she tried to comfort you and make you happy. Then you play hard to get by pushing her away and making your dominant side show."

"Holy shit, I didn't think a peasant could know so much," Karenina remarked.

"Treat them with respect and they turn out pretty fucking awesome," I said.

"Oh haha, like that'll work."

"Just try and be nice to her, she's so fragile and she's obviously trying very hard to do her best."

"The fragile thing can't even stay emotionally stable for three seconds!"

"Because you're breaking her down every chance you get!"

"Guys! Let's not get into an argument here!" John stepped in.

"Yeah, we need to talk about what we're going to do about our marriage thing," I said.

"Hmm, we'll need to meet every day, so do you want to stay here or should I go to your place?"

"Why can't we go back and forth every week?"

"I didn't think about that."

We rode back over to Vathepan and went inside the castle. John and I walked upstairs to my room and Karenina and Jessica set up their room across the hallway. Once they were done we all gathered in my room to discuss the matter.

"What are going to do?" Karenina asked.

"I-I have a suggestion," Jessica said shyly.

I glared at Karenina, "What's your idea, Jessica?" Karenina asked in a fake preppy voice.

"Oh, I was thinking that you two could just marry so we have our peace treaty. Then John and Noah could have their secret relationship and Karenina could have her own secret relationship with whoever."

"That's brilliant!" Karenina remarked.


"Yes, Jessica, that's actually an amazing idea."

"Thank you, your highness."

Karenina laughed, "Just call me Karenina."

Jessica looked at her in awe, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, they're sure. Don't worry, I was confused too but they're actually really nice for royals." John explained.

"Yes, any other ideas to add on to Jessica's?"

"How about we rule our own kingdom?" Jessica asked.

"I'm not following," Karenina said.

"There's an unoccupied piece of land in between Trappolan and Vathepan. You could claim that land during your marriage and make it your own kingdom."

"Damn girl, you're smart."

"Thanks, your highness— I mean Karenina."

We talked for a bit more and then Karenina and Jessica went to their room. John sighed and laid down on my bed.

"It's hot, do you mind if I take my shirt off?" He asked.

"N-no, not at all," I said.

"OK," he removed his shirt revealing a perfectly chiseled chest and two rows of abs, "what about my pants?"

I nodded and he removed his pants and laid back down in his underwear. I moved closer to him without him noticing, but he did anyway and pulled me next to him. I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his stomach.

"Are you, uh, feeling anything?" He asked nervously.

"You know what, I'm feeling a lot right now and to make sure they're real feelings," I kissed his soft lips and he moaned as I climbed on top of him. We made out and by the time we were done, it was time for dinner so we went down to the dining hall.

"Hey, guys!" Karenina yelled jumping on John's shoulders and then jumping back down.

"Hey preppy, what happened to you?" I asked.

"You were right. I started being nice to Jessica and it worked. I've never been happier."

I thought I was dreaming and I pinched myself, nope I was wide awake. "That's great!" I remarked trying not to sound confused.

We took our places at the dinner table and the maids placed plates in front of us. "Dig in!" They'd say with a wide grin.

We started eating and then Father burst through the door looking extremely pissed off.

"Son of bitch." He mumbled grabbing a plate.

"What got shoved up your asshole?" I asked.

"The damned Varidian Empire! They declared war on us over our peace treaty!"

"Does this mean the wedding is canceled?" Karenina asked excitedly.

"No, because your empire fired back and declared war on them, the peace treaty stands," Father explained.

"Damn it."

"So, why do they want to declare war on us? We're just a simple empire." I said.

"They said our peace treaty was a threat to their three-way alliance with our neighbors to the south."

"The racist drunks?" I asked, making Karenina and John snicker.

"Yes, them."

"Well, damn. That sucks, but we can take them. They've got no military and their economy is pure shit."

"Well, to keep things from getting out of hand you and princess Karenina are to be married tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Everyone at the table said at the same time.

"Yes, tomorrow."

"Well, you'll be happy to hear that I and princess Karenina are claiming that piece of land in between our two empires," I said.

"You are?"

"Yes, we think it'd be a great idea, and we'd have our own three-way alliance." Karenina butted in.

"Sounds like a plan, hey where's your mother?"

"Oh, I believe I saw her lifeless body hanging from one of the statues in the flower garden," Jessica said.

We all ran outside and saw Diana hanging from the statue of my mother that was built after she died. She left a note and I took it down and read it aloud.

"Dear Noah, fuck you." I spat at her lifeless body and when everyone was gone I poured alcohol on her body. Then I placed her in a boat going downstream to a nearby waterfall. Then I lit her body on fire and kicked the boat away from the dock and it drifted downstream.

A tear rolled down my cheek, "Mom, why'd have to leave me." I got on my knees. "Why?!"

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