The One Where Karenina Runs Away

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Karenina's POV

"What do you mean that won't give us the land?! They have too! We are the heirs!" Noah yelled, pacing around the room.

"Not unless you are the final heirs. The Trappolian has claimed to a sibling of Karenina set to heir. Your dad is being wed to a woman of much youth." The man explained in a strange accent.

"Looks like we need to pay our dear parents a visit." I spoke, gently grabbing Noah because he was making me motion sick.  

"M-Mommy." I heard Jessica whimper from a chair behind me. Me and both boys were quickly around her and I ran my hand over her forehead.

"Baby, what's the matter?" I asked and she let her hand lay on her stomach. She grabbed my hand.

"I n-need to lay down." I quickly lifted her, carrying her to our room and the boys followed.

"We are not going to leave her alone." I told the boys, who nodded.

"We can't bring her." Noah piped in. No shit, genius.

"Do you want me to stay?" John asked and I immediately declined. I wasn't really sure why but I didn't want him to. Noah made a confused face. I just shook my head to blow him off.

"I'm sorry, did I do something?" John asked.

"No, of course not." I pinched my leg because I sounded more bitchy than I meant to. He hasn't done anything!

"How about we just write a letter to our parents?" Noah suggested and I nodded walking back to Jessica who wasn't looking well.

"I'm gonna vomit." She spoke plainly and I immediately grabbed a bucket from beside the bed. I held her hair out of the way and rubbed her back while she threw up. Noah and John had left the room. Good. It is my fucking girl whether she is carrying their baby or not. They have no business fucking with her.

"I gotcha, Princess." She laid back into my stomach while my thumbs and fingers gently tickled up her sides. I pulled her dress over her head and put my hands on her belly.

"You are going to have a baby." I whispered and she nodded.

"I promise to always protect you and our baby." She stiffened.

"N-No. It's not ours. Noah and John get the baby." She grabbed my hand to still it. A few tears ran down my face.

"I know, baby. I am gonna let them take care of you for a minute. I need to handle something." I started to get up but she grabbed my hands, holding me close.

"Don't leave me." I continued to get up.

"Your baby daddy will be here shortly." I hurried out of the  room and banged on their door.

"Stop having sex for just one minute an get your asses out here!" They were quickly at the door.

"Whoa, what's the matter, hon?" Noah asked, making me notice the thousands of tears pouring down my face like a faucet.

"Go take care of the girl carrying your baby." I spoke through gritted teeth, slapping the wall roughly and running down the hallway. I ended in a flower garden where I sat on a bench. I cried for about five minutes when John sat beside me.

"Go away. Your damn child is inside." He rolled his eyes.

"Is that what this is about? Jessica carrying our baby?" I yelled again, storming off, but it wasn't a few seconds before he grabbed my arm, likely bruising, and turning me around.

"We asked your damn permission! You said you didn't care! We said the kid would still live with you! What is your fucking problem!" I felt anger exploding through me.

"Don't lay your fucking hands on me, bitch!" I shoved him away.

"Just tell me what you are so fucking pissed about!" He yelled back.

"Fine! Asshole, she is fifteen and carrying your damn baby! She could die during the birth! You two left to have sex while she was sick because of your damn kid! I am taking care of my girlfriend who is going to have your fucking child! She is the mother and I am taking care of her! It is our baby! Our child! I will take better care of it than you fuckers! Your are taking that baby away from it's damn mother because you are a selfish faggot! You left me to take care of her when it was because of your ass! You got my love knocked up and I hope with everything I have that she has your baby and you, her, Noah, and the baby live happily ever after! I am fucking leaving!"

I ran to the vault, getting a couple bags of shillings. I ran down a cobblestone road until I got to a cute little cottage. The villagers haven't been moved in yet so it was vacant besides the things we had it stocked with prior to their arrival. I walked inside and flopped on a bed.

I can't handle it anymore.

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