The One Where Karenina Yells at the Press

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Karenina's POV

John brought Noah back to their room and I grabbed a shaken Jessica. There were peasants grabbing at us and squealing. I could hear the press yelling questions at us. I heard an unpleasant squeal when someone grabbed Jessica's arm, cutting it.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled, making the crowd back up slightly. I quickly lifted Jessica and looked at her arm. It wasn't very deep.

"All of you, shut the fuck up! If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, ever causes harm to a person who works or has a significant relation to the palace, it'll be considered treason and execution will be your punishment! I do not just mean the royals either! I mean our guards, our maids, our cooks, our medical staff, our tailors, our friends, or ANYONE else! I have made myself clear and it will be made legal as soon as possible!" I brought Jessica home where medical was already waiting. A young woman inspected her arm and just wrapped it.

"She should be okay by morning. Goodnight your highness." She bowed and left. I carried my angel to our room and put her on top of me in the bed. I could feel her lightly crying on my chest.

"You are okay, angel. I'm right here. You can talk to me." I rubbed her back. She shook her head.

"I love you and the ball was moved to tomorrow, so let's get ready for bed, hm?" She nodded and sat up. Her face was red and swollen. I pulled her dress over her head, doing the same with my own.

"Do you want to just sleep like this?" She nodded, putting her arms around me and her head on my chest.

"You are such a good girl. You are the real princess. You are sweet and beautiful and polite. You are calm and petite. I am so thankful to have you, baby. I don't want you to ever forget that. Okay?" She nodded, taking her last few sniffles while I rubbed her back and hummed a song. She slowly fell asleep along with me a few moments later.


When I awoke, there was a pounding on the door and a small body wrapped around me. Dammit they are gonna wake up Jessica.

"Open the fucking door, Karenina!" I heard Noah yell. I hurried across the room to the door, not bothering to put something on.

"Shut the fuck up. She's sleeping. Who has managed to piss you off this early in the morning?"

"No one! I'm excited! Why is it every time I come to your room you are dressed in undergarments?"

"Stop fucking yelling before you wake her up. " He rolled his eyes.

"Also, you know it is in all the newspapers about your little... um... 'speech' last night?"

"Good it needed to be." He nodded.

"Yeah. That was good. I was thinking about us heading down to the office in Trappolian to make it legal."

"Why not the office in your empire? We don't have an office building here yet?"

"Technically we do, it is on the fourth floor, but we don't have anyone to work it. My empire was raided last night." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Aren't we supposed to rule that?"

"Not yet. It is still under my father's rule. He hasn't signed it over yet. We have the claimed land and your land. We need to come up with a title before the ball tonight because it is supposed to be built by then."

"Wow." I spoke calmly, leaning on the doorframe. "We have complete control over what is the equivalent of three empires." He nodded.

"We aren't even old enough to legally drink." He said looking down at his glass of wine and laughed, and I nodded. I completely plan on getting at least some wine tonight though, and I don't know who is gonna stop me.

"Yeah, but-" I was interested by a light tap on my back. I turned around to see Jessica standing there shyly, dressed the same as me. I picked her up and held her on my hip.

"Well good morning, sexy." I whispered in her ear and she blushed, making me smile.

"It's a good thing I'm not attracted to you people, because any straight guy's head would be exploding over this." I rolled my eyes and Jessica hid her face in my neck. So precious.

"What time does the ball start?" I asked Noah.

"It starts at twelve and we just welcome people and say that we are happy together and all that shit. The scripts are in my room. We only have to sit there and chat and talk to the press until five. At five everything goes down and John wanted to discuss that with you alone later. We have to participate in a shortened walkthrough of the whole damn thing in an hour or two. After all the big stuff at five there is the dance until seven. It's just food until nine. At nine we have to get rid of all under aged people. Until twelve everyone gets wasted. After twelve we thank people for coming and talk to the press again while staff clears out everyone."

"Holy shit, it's gonna be a long night." He nodded.

"What time is it now?" Jessica finally spoke.

"Around seven. I guess it is about time to start getting dressed and hair and makeup and that thing that Karenina's needs." Noah said, winking.

"You and Jessica can go get the dresses and can you pick up that thing that I need? I will go talk to John." He nodded.

"She has to put clothes on, though." I rolled my eyes and put her down.

"Yeah, yeah, what is your thing under?"

"My first name and your surname." He nodded and Jessica's came over wearing a dress.

"Okay, have fun, babygirl." I put a dress on while they left.

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