The One Where Karenian and John Get Along

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Kareninas POV

"This is fucking ridiculous!" Jessica said as she ran down the hallway to Noah's room.

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked with no response in return.

She comes out moments later with John's wrist in her hand.

"You," she points at me, "and you," she points at John, "are gonna learn to get along."

Jessica was already nine months pregnant and was due any day now, but at this point she was tired of John and I fighting... for nine months. Noah was never around anymore because of all the "King" business he had to do. John was lonely.

She threw us in a room and then locked the door, "When you two learn to get along, I'll open the door!"

"What are we gonna eat?" John asked.

"FUCKING STARVE!" Jessica's heels clinked away as I slid down the wall and sat on the ground.

"So...? What happened this time?" John asked.

"We we're making out and then we felt another kick and she started talking about how grateful she was that your sperm was healthy. Then I called you... a few names and she got mad." I explained.

"Noah's not happy about this either."

"I wouldn't think so."

"Yeah," he slid down the wall next to me, "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad any day now."

"I can't believe I'm gonna watch my babygirl pop a person out of her vagina in any day now."

John started laughing and I chuckled, "What?!" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just... well you're pretty funny."

"Are you just saying that so we can get outta here in time for lunch."

"No, I really mean it, you've always had this thing, you know? You were funny, but you distanced yourself a lot."

"Really? Well, I always thought you were sweet, but you had this tendency to let your emotions get the better of you."

"Yeah... well you know what?"


"We actually share a problem that both Jessica and Noah find annoying."

"Anger issues."

"Yep, we're both extremely protective of them, and when someone tries to get in the way, we attack."

"Yeah... you know, I never really asked how Noah was doing... you know since the whole... rape thing."

"He's tried to not think about it, but I can hear him crying a lot and he says some pretty disturbing stuff in his sleep. Like, get away from me, or stop, stop, stop, or no, no, no. It freaks him out, but he hates talking about it."

"Damn, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, Jessica said she was sorry almost a hundred times but Noah always says it wasn't her fault. He says it was his fault."

"But it wasn't! He raped him."


"You know, Jessica always blames the whole vagina bruising thing on her self too, and she's so sorry for getting you in trouble."

"But it wasn't her fault!"

"I know! These two are just alike."

"Yeah... we are too, you know?"

"Just because we're both tops, doesn't mean we have everything in common."

"Not everything, but we're pretty alike, you and I."

"I guess so."

"This is nice, I've never really gotten a chance to sit and talk with you."

"Yeah, I think you're right, this is great."

He smiled and I smiled back.

"Wanna play a game?" I asked.

"What game?"

"Well, it's a game where you ask a question and I answer, we'll call it Question and Answer or Q&A for short."

"Okay, so do I go first or...?"

"Yeah, you can go first."

"Okay... when did first realize you were a lesbian?"

"When I was about eleven and I saw my friend's mom's tits and I got really wet. It went through my dress and I had to lie and say I peed myself and my mother was super pissed, but I feel like she'd be more pissed if she found out the truth."

"Wow, okay you go."

"When did you first have sex?"

"Noah was my first."


He laughed, "No! My friend who was questioning gave me a blowjob to see if he was gay. It turned out he wasn't but I sure was."

"Oh my god, really?!"


I laughed, "Okay... what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in bed."

"Okay, two months ago with Noah, I came and it went in his eyes and he couldn't see for two hours."

I gasped, "That's why he kept blinking rapidly at dinner that night!"

We laughed and then smiled at each other again.

"So... for your first time how did it feel... with Noah."

"Well, it felt like I was trying to jam your big toe into a pinky ring."

"So... he was tight?"

"Yep, really tight, but he'd had sex many times before... just oral sex though."

"Oh, so he was an anal virgin."



After seven hours of being locked in that room, the door opened and Noah and Jessica came running in and gave us both hugs.

"You guys!" Noah said kissing John.

"You did it!" Jessica said kissing me passionately.

"Now we can all just get along."

"Can we?" I asked, "I mean, it's not like that little conversation changed anything."

"Uh, yeah! It changes everything, now we don't have to fight or anything anymore."

The sound of water hitting the floor rang through the halls, we all looked at Jessica and then at the floor.

"My water just broke."

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