Chapter 1~

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Warning: this part might be very creepy for you so please don't read it alone in a dark room.

You hear the school bell ring. It means it's time to go. Everywhere you go you felt like someone was watching you. From behind. Staring at you. It always bothered you, but you just brushed it off.

As you walk down the empty halls. Since you go home pretty late. You spend your time reading at the library. This time you overread again. You looked at your watch.


"what?! Seriously?"

You always go to the library near the school. Making you late when going home. You didn't really care, since you lived alone. Almost.

You hurriedly ran through the path to take the bus home. But, unfortunately for you. There aren't alot of busses around at your area.


You curse yourself with the badtiming. You really wanted to go home on a bus today since you've been feeling like someone has been following you everytime you walk home.

You walk down the streets of XXX. Well more like run walking. Even though its not that late yet. There aren't alot of people around, making it worse. You take a turn and ran as fast as you can. This part of your street is the scariest. Alot of people were talking about people being stabbed or kidnapped in this area. A chill ran down your spine when you heard something behind you. So you ran like naruto.


You see your apartment just in  the corner. You take a turn and ran to your apartment. Huffing.

"*huff* *huff* uughhh--*cough* *cough*"

You calm your tit-- *ahem* yourself down by trying to breathe slowly. Inhaling, and exhaling gently a couple of times.

'great, it just had to be today'

You took off your shoes, and placed it at the side. You hanged your bag by a table near the door. And you head straight to the kitchen to get water. You gulp down the water and sighed.

"*sigh* that was scary"

You put back the water in the fridge and closed it. You went to your closet to change into some comfy clothes. And laid ontop of your bed. And slowly sleep crept up on you, you really didn't care so you just let things be and closed your eyes.

But what you didn't know was, that someone was watching you peacefully sleeping. They slowly approached your sleeping form and bent down. Tucking you in. Before they left they slowly kissed your forehead. And whispered.

"goodnight, my sweet.... Angel"

And they disappeared through the night.

You bursted upwards breathing heavily.

"*Huff* *huff* wh-who was.... *huff* that...?"

You whispered to yourself touching your forehead. Small bits of tears forming in the corner of your eyes.But you went back to sleep trying to rub it off of your mind. You dreamt of a person from your window.

They had broad shoulders, slender arms, and unknown features. You only saw their shadow. You exactly knew it was a guy. He was staring at you from the edge of your window. Sitting there like they always do. Staring at you when you sleep. Like the devil he was

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