Chapter 17~

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Hello readers i need to make this quick, pls read this part, it is very important for you to understand the whole story, ill try to mash it up only on chapter 17,18, and or 19, and im telling you all as a spoiler that this ends in only 20 chapters.

Toriyuki's POV


"Tori......... Help...... You.."

I hear a light voice in the distance. Unable to understand what they were saying, but i could understand a few words. And my name being called out.


There it goes again, but this time the voice grew louder, then louder, then louder, until it was loud and clear enough for me to understand.

"Tori.... I should have listened to you,help me.... Please...."

The voice says in a rather raspy tone, they seemed like they were in pain. I turn to my right to look at nothing but darkness, then looked to my left for the same. I tried to stand up, but i panicked as i feel myself unable to move.


I tried to scream, but something is stopping me, then i realized, someones hands were strangling me. I looked up, then terror strucked my eyes. Kiyochi.

I look behind him, (Y/N)! She was on the floor, and under her is a pool of blood. Her blood.

I struggled and tried to push this guys hands away and go to (Y/N) 's side, but i couldn't bring my arms up. I look up to the males eyes, it was filled with anger, and dread. It was staring straight at mine. Looking at my soul.

Then i feel my head getting dizzy, my breathing getting quicker. I started to struggle more. As his grip on my neck tightens.

"see you in hell"

Was his last words before everything went dark.


I shot up, panting, and felt myself sweating. As a minute passes. I tried breathing calmly. Laying back down.

"that.... Damn dream again"

As i realize that going back to sleep was pointless after those kinds of dreams happen. I get out of bed, then walked towards the bathroom. I open my cabinet near the sink, and got out a syringe then stabbing it in my arm. Shooting the clear liquid in.

Then started my day. Brushing my teeth, and washing my face. Putting on a simple black hoodie. Went out the bathroom then down stairs to the kitchen, cooked some bacon and eggs.

Finishes up whats left on my plate then washed it. Then i decided to head out and visit someone. (Y/N).

Walking down the crowded street. Taking a few turns. Stopping under an oak tree, looking up the tall building. Looking at (Y/N) and Kiyochi's apartment window.

From the window which was in the 4th floor, i can still see (Y/N), staring out the window like usual, she looked magnificent like that. Afterall she was my first love, and still is.

I finally decided that its time, i need to get her out of there, i have to save her from him.

The nightmares that i always get aren't just random dreams. They must mean something. Afterall, he is a killer, in the past. But once a killer always a killer. And for that i cannot let (Y/N) stay with him, i finally found her, i cant let her go now.

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