Warrior Leland, Lisa, Mark, Norman, and Nathan's father

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As we walked into the house my father hugged mom and said: "you never cease to amaze me".  I looked down and thought to myself, I want a mate like my mom.  My dad is a lucky man.  Dad looked at me and said yes, yes I am the luckiest man in the world.  I have an amazing mate, a daughter who is as beautiful as her mother, and you boys. What more can a man ask for? AS we sat at the table I looked around at my family and friends. I looked at my dad and he said, soon you will have your mate too. I grinned and started eating.  I heard the front doorbell ring. As I looked up I saw Alpha Larry standing in the doorway with Alpha Gene beside him. I stiffened up and yelled what is he doing here? Mark jumped up shoving his chair back running towards Alpha Gene.  One of the warriors jumped up and tackled him to the floor. Mark was growling trying to stay in control of his wolf. 

Alpha Dawin put his arm around my sister, and my mother calmly stood up and asked Alpha Larry to please take Alpha Gene out of the room. My mother is amazing. She came to me and started rubbing my back. She is the only one who can calm me down fast. I thanked her and the warriors let me up off the floor.  I apologized to everyone present and left the room. I went outside turned into my wolf and started running. I must have run for a few hours when I heard mom link me and say come to the pack house.  As I arrived at the pack house mom gave me a pair of shorts. I shifted and put them on. I then walked to her and she said I needed to go to my room and get some sleep. She said around 10 packs with their Alpha's will be arriving tomorrow and I would be needed to help with getting the pack ready for them. I walked away but not before leaning down and kissing her forehead. 

As I walked in the door dad called me to the living room and he told me that he was going to be busy over the next few days and wants me to take over training the pack for him. I told him ok, no problem. Dad then looked at me and sad grinning looks like you have caught the attention of several she wolfs here. I looked over my shoulder and back to dad saying no way. I don't want any STD's and I know that they sleep with too many of the guys in this pack. Dad got up and as we were walking towards the stairs we saw a girl come flying down the stairs and my sister, Lisa screaming touch my mates dick again and I will kill you. As Lisa jumped on she wolf she was beating the shit out of her and dad and pulled her off. She continued to get away from us and dad yelled at her to stand down. Lisa was breathing heavily and said she was so sick of the sluts in this pack house that she was going to start putting them in their place. 

Uncle Bill and mom came running in the room. Mom looked the she-wolf over whose name was Tina and asked me to take her to the pack hospital. Uncle Bill mind linked the pack to come to a mandatory meeting in 10 minutes.  Uncle Bill asked what happened and Lisa told him. He was angry that one of his pack members thought they could not only put their hands on someone who had a mate, let along an Alpha that he said new rules would be put into place. He mind linked mom asking her about Tina and how she was. Mom said, she had a broken arm, four broken ribs, and her jaw was cracked. 

I stood outside with my brothers, Lisa, and dad. Uncle Bill went up on the stage and started the meeting. He said that he has become tired of the sluts in the pack house thinking they could put their hands on someone who has a mate and this time it got out of hand as Tina was in the hospital with a broken arm, leg, four broken ribs, and a cracked jaw. He stated Tina has grabbed Alpha Dawin's dick and this is unacceptable.  Uncle Bill stated that due to Tina putting her hands on Alpha Dawin it was his mates right to give the punishment for the crime.  Uncle Bill called Lisa up to the stage. He asked her what the punishment should be. Lisa looked at him and being of warrior blood stated that due to her putting her hands on an Alpha she will receive 10 lashes with the ends of the lash dipped in silver. She will have slut burned onto her cheek.  Lisa then walked off the stage. 

The pack started mumbling that the punishment was too much. That Tina was very beautiful and should not have slut burned onto her cheek.  Her mate won't want her with slut burned on her cheek. Alpha Dawin said that maybe now the pack sluts will stop sleeping around, keep their legs closed, their mouths off men who are not their mate's dicks.  The pack members looked down at the ground and then one member a female stated that it was about time that someone put the sluts in their place.  This pack is getting a bad name because of them.  Uncle Bill then calmed down the pack and said the punishment will take place after all the Alphas and Elders have left the pack. The punishment will take place in three weeks. He then said that his son, Travis will be arriving at the pack house tomorrow and he wants to celebrate his homecoming. He graduated from Alpha school and it is an exciting time for the pack house to have him back. 

Warrior Leland, Lisa's dad looked at his brother and asked him what he thought of the punishment giving out by Lisa.  Alpha Bill stated that it was a good punisment, he wished he would have thought of it.  He looked at Warrior Leland and asked him if he thought Lisa would be about to carry out the punishment or should he have Alpha Dawin. Warriro Leland looked at his brother and laughed and said, are you kidding. She will give that girl her punishment while looking at Christy after each whip mark. They both laughed and walked to the woods to let their wolfs run. 

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