CHAPTER 1: King of Beast and Storms

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Part 1: Silas Reign

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom 1848.

King Silas became known as King of Beast due to his connection to those creatures no one dared to approached. Any beast no matter how wild could be calmed by the voice and presence due to the forest energy. His hair pitched black with a tint of blue on the tips that matched his eyes, attracted plenty of attention. As a full Night Seeker, his appearance was the ideal but with the growth of cities and the previous war killing a lot of Kingdoms people, the Night kingdom was beginning to be a mix of most species. Being in the center of Luminiscencia Bohemia it was only certain it would happen at some point since it was the Kingdom that connected all of them. He was seen as ultimately the last of the full Night Seekers.

He married a noble woman from an outer Kingdom, with dark brown eyes and Pure white hair. She was a woman from extremely high social standing, They married through an arrangement but as time went by she saw herself standing second in the eyes of her husband. By this point they had a daughter of the age of three, she spent most times with nannies since her mother couldn't seem to have formed a connection to her child. As for Silas, he tried to spend as much time as possible with his daughter in between meetings but this only meant even less time for him to spend with his wife.

Location: Tiria, Lavine Kingdom

Unwilling to stay this she left one night and fled with the very sleepy child in arms. She returned to her parents home in Tiria but they saw her as a disgrace, She was a Queen but now that she had fled she was throwing away her title, especially with a child that would be become the next monarch. Her family told her to return to the Kingdom and apologize for her reckless behavior but her pride didn't let her. Unwelcomed in her home, and with the refusal of returning to the Kingdom she walked the streets with the child. However, a child has needs, something she didn't deal with before. The child began crying of hunger and exhaustion, Unknowing of what to do, or where to go everything became more and more overwhelming for her. "Ssh, Quite now." She said trying to calm the child as people starred in the streets.

Shortly after a storm began and everyone scattered to find shelter, She found a small area to wait until it would stop but it continued only getting stronger each time. She noticed a bar and made her way there thinking it would be better, she looked down at her daughter who trembled of the cold and like her, was also completely wet. "Wait here for mommy," She said sitting her in a empty crate of apples that rested on its side making a small shelter for the child. The child nodded softly and sat there watching her mother enter the building.

Hours went by and the storm came to a stop, the child had fallen asleep and woke up early at the beginning of a new day with no sight of her mother. The child waited there having had promised her mother. As the day transpired the streets became busy and still no sight of her mother, nobody would even glance down to the girl and those who did carry on there way. Finally, a man stooped down and looked at the child with concern in his eyes. "Hey, little one." He said carrying a heavy bag filled with letters. The child's cheeks were red from a starting fever, "You're not feeling so well, are you? That storm must have taken a toll on you... I should take you to the doctors," he said reaching out to pick her up. Her body shook but she didn't protest, the man carried her to the clinic and spoke to her though she didn't respond.

"Dr. Charice, how do you do?" The man said as the other man approached. "Alan, What do I owe this visit to?" Dr. Charice asked noticing the child in his arms. "I was delivering the mail and well I noticed this little one in a crate of apples, and well as you can see she ain't no apple as red as her cheeks may be," Alan said letting Dr. Charice get a better look. "That definitely can't be good, I'll get some medication for her right away, but tell me what do you plan to do with this child?" Dr. Charice asked. "Take her home with me. I'm sure Riley won't mind, she did say she wanted a daughter and Oswald has been asking for a sibling." Alan answered. "Then I'll send the medical bill to you," Dr. Charice chuckled. "I was hoping you'd forget that, How about I buy you a drink?" Alan answered as Dr. Charice looked for the medication in the glass case filled with bottles.

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