Chapter 10 - Caesar and Cleopatra

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Taylor's nectar was my new drug.

After our workout this morning, Taylor looked so hot with her sweaty abs and her barely covered body that I couldn't resist the temptation. I was a bit anxious since it was my first time but I tried to get inspired by what Taylor had done to me last time and it worked. Twice. I even had the honor of showering with her and it led to one hell of a makeout session. Anyway, I officially took the first plunge and Taylor and I were both very pleased about that.

Yesterday, my therapist gave me a new exercise that neither Taylor nor I understood since it consisted in spending a day at the zoo. We both got really excited though. We got dressed in very casual outfits, we prepared a nice picnic and we took the Range direction Oregon Zoo.

I was wearing light jeans shorts, a white tank top and white sneakers. My hair was up in a ponytail, my makeup was extremely light and my sunglasses were casually resting on the tip of my nose. Taylor looked so cute. Her outfit was pretty much the same as mine but it made her look adorable.

I looked at Taylor while she drove and snickered in adoration. She was singing and dancing to the music. It was too cute not to do anything. So I unlocked Max and opened Snapchat to film her.

"You like this song?", I asked kindly.

"Are you kidding? It's so great!", she exclaimed enthusiastically and mumbled the lyrics while bobbing her head in rhythm.

"Sing louder, baby. I wanna hear you", I requested in my sweetest voice.

"I heard he lives down a river somewhere. With six cars and a grizzly bear. He's got eyes, but he can't see. Well, he talks like an angel but he looks like me", she shouted singing and giggled sheepishly.

I stopped the video, added cute emojis and posted it in my story. I couldn't wait for Taylor's reaction. I could already imagine her pouty face. I hoped she wouldn't mind though. It had come naturally for me to post that because I didn't want to hide.

We kept on singing during the whole drive and Taylor was simply hilarious. She knew every single lyric of every damn song and she could even imitate the instruments in the background. That girl was definitely something else.

As usual, it was mission impossible to find a parking spot. Taylor only managed to park after a whole fifteen-minute grumbling about how I had to pick Saturday above any day to go to the zoo. She was so getting on my nerves that I stepped out of the car, I grabbed my backpack from the backseat and I walked away, leaving her behind to grumble on her own.

I couldn't fucking believe her.

"Brooklyn!", she shouted so I spun around and folded my arms as I waited for her. She took the other backpack that she slid over her shoulders and locked the car before approaching me casually.

"Are you done?", I asked sternly.

"You didn't have to walk away like this."

"Yes I did. I thought you were happy to spend the day here with me but apparently you're not", I stated and spun around to start walking but Taylor jumped in front of me to stop me.

"Babe", she called softly.

"Oh, don't you babe me! If you didn't want to come with me you should've said so before instead of making me a ton of reproaches", I reeled off irritatingly.

"Baby", she said above a whisper and cupped my cheeks so I exhaled loudly and looked at her puppy eyes through my black glasses.

"It's important for me to involve you in my healing process but I understand how annoying it can be for you sometimes. If some exercises put you off then don't participate."

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