Chapter 12 - Lindsay Lohan lost her cat

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I was asleep. I was still aware of the fact that I was exhausted but I was asleep. I could feel myself moving and being all hot and sweaty but I was conscious of the fact that I was asleep. I was left completely trapped. I couldn’t rest but I couldn’t wake up either.

“Brooke, baby”, someone called as my arm moved from under me. It felt less hot already. I felt a hand on my back so I grunted and it made it go away.

Mon dieu, she’s burning”, another voice said and I instantly recognized my mother. What was she doing here?

“Yeah, I don’t understand. I’ve turned on the A/C and removed the covers but it didn’t change anything”, my angel said with worry in her voice.

“It must be the nerves acting up”, my mom said with her funny accent.

“Brooklyn”, Taylor called softly and I guessed it was her hand that brushed the hair out of the side of my face.

“Tay”, I tried to whisper but I wasn't sure if it was very successful.

“Come on, my love”, she said close to my ear and planted a big kiss on my cheek.

“I can’t”, I mumbled as I could.

“One little effort”, she requested and rested her hand on my nape. My sweaty nape.

“You show me your scissor?”, I asked almost inaudibly and wanted to slap myself. Can’t even capable of forming a suitable question.

“I can’t show you if you don’t wake up, baby”, she said chuckling so I exhaled deeply and partially opened my eyes to make an effort for Taylor. I was immediately welcomed by her bright smile and pretty eyes. They always made everything feel right and simple.

“What time is it?”, I asked in a whisper without moving a finger.

“1pm”, she said softly.

I calculated as I could and considered four hours of sleep a very painful experience that I would try never to reiterate.

“Tay, it’s very too early”, I slurred and managed to move my arm to go put my hand on her face. Huge achievement.

Ma puce, à quelle heure tu t’es couchée?”, my mom asked kindly (Sweetie, at what time did you go to sleep?)

“8:52”, I said in my raspy morning voice.

“Why don’t I help you take a shower? It’s gonna do you good”, Taylor offered sweetly and slid her hand down my back to stroke my skin.

“I just wanna sleep”, I whined and spun my head to bury my face in my pillow.

“Brooklyn, on a un avion qui nous attend donc dépêche-toi”, my mom said firmly (The plane is waiting for us so hurry up.)

“Quel avion?”, I asked against the pillow (What plane?)

“We can’t hear you, my love”, Taylor said softly. I groaned and rolled on my back to be sure they could hear me this time but my mom started talking again.

“Listen, I know you were supposed to leave for Los Angeles tomorrow but given the emergency we’re leaving today. The jet is already here in Portland and our luggage is in the limo. So you take a shower, you put something on your back and we’re leaving”, she reeled off.

She was talking so fast that I didn’t catch anything. I looked at Taylor with a lost expression and she just motioned for me to come with her so I extended my hands and let her help me.

Taylor explained things way better than my mother did. I understood that we needed to leave because I apparently had a day full of interviews planned for tomorrow. Why? Because my mom developed a communication strategy with the lawyer and they both thought I could not remain silenced in front of this emerging scandal. I asked Taylor for her opinion, she advised me to do it but also said that she would support me if I refused. Taylor also called Alexandra, my therapist, to ask her and she said it was the best thing to do.

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