Chapter 28 - Behind locked doors

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“How does it feel to be home?”, my mother asked soothingly as she tucked me in bed as if I was a six-year-old scared of the non-existing monster under the bed.

“I never realized my bed was that comfortable”, I answered in a tired raspy voice. I was exhausted. The flight back to America had been long and draining. I just wanted to sleep.

“I mean, I got it shipped directly from Italy and the mattress was never commercialized so I hope for the manufacturers it’s comfortable. Otherwise they’re gonna hear from me”, she rattled out and laced her fingers through mine before clasping our linked hands in her free one.

“Where is Taylor?”, I asked groggily and yawned like a yeti before blinking a few times to be sure I remained awake. I refused to sleep without her.

“Probably next door with Jennifer”, she said shrugging in lack of information.

“I need her here”, I whispered under my breath.

“What you need is rest and quiet. Taylor is here, okay? She’s most certainly taking care of a few adjustments for the moving or checking the house”, my mother said reassuringly.

I honestly didn’t want to answer back or bicker so I nodded and closed my eyes to make her happy. I had no idea of how much time passed. I just know that the moment I opened my eyes again was when I felt something on my face, which turned out to be Taylor’s hand brushing my hair away. I smiled faintly and took one second to admire the harmony of her traits. She was so beautiful.

“I’m sorry, baby. Go back to sleep”, she whispered softly and dropped a gentle kiss on my forehead.

“Are you staying with me?”, I asked expectantly.

“If you need it then yes”, she answered in a low whisper so I nodded and reached for her hand. I grabbed it and brought it to my mouth to kiss it lovingly before squeezing it tightly to show her I didn’t want her to move or let go.

“I’m happy we’re back home”, I confessed and Taylor flashed me her beautiful smile as her eyes were stuck on mine, just sporting their usual adoration and pride. She always looked at me like this. So tenderly and intensely at the same time.

“Me too”, she whispered with a little nod.

I extended my free arm in her direction to indicate her I wanted a hug. I smiled brightly to be more convincing and was so ready to squeeze her in my arms that when the intercom went off I thought it was just a bad joke. Always interrupted no matter what.

“Who dares come between our hug?”, I asked outrageously and let my arm drop against the mattress to show my frustration.

“It must be my mom. She stayed at my house to take a nap so she probably decided to come back here”, Taylor explained in an amused tone and bent over to lay a small kiss on my cheek.

“Which means you can hug me”, I immediately wrapped my arm around her and pulled her down with me to have her body pressed against mine.

“Be careful”, she said giggling but she accepted my embrace and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I lowered my head to kiss her hair repeatedly and as planned, I squeezed her hard to hold her against me as much as I could.

“What were you up to?”, I asked softly. “I was waiting for you but I fell asleep before I got to see you”, I added in a saddened tone.

“I was with my mother. I wanted to finish gathering all my belongings and I made sure she wasn’t missing on anything since she’s gonna spend a couple of days at the house.”

“You’re such a sweetheart”, I cooed chuckling and she laughed briefly before pecking my neck.

We were once again disturbed but by a knock on my door this time. Taylor immediately looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and got out of my embrace to go get it. I could have done it of course but knowing her she would have tied me to the bed to make sure I kept on resting. Taylor slightly opened the door and released a huge gasp before flinging the door open.

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