Chapter 15 - Hello darkness my old friend

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“I still don’t see why it would be so impossible for me to come with you, Tay. Especially if you’re meeting with my mom”, I insisted for the umpteenth time while I watched her getting dressed. She looked so gorgeous.

“Because I’m only seeing her for like five minutes to let her take my measurements and then I’m heading straight to the office. I told you my dad is in San Diego for the whole morning so I’m attending a couple of meetings for him”, she reeled off in her usual sweet tone and went to have a look at herself in the mirror to adjust her outfit.

“But I could totally accompany you for your measurements and stay with my mother afterwards”, I said blankly and approached her to help her with the back.

“You can ask her to come here or join her at my parents’ you know”, she said in a duh tone.

“To spend the day with your sister? No thank you”, I mumbled and shook my head in refusal as I took care of her button down, taking advantage of that to enjoy this up close view of her ass is that skirt.

Damn. Did she really need to go? I could give her a good reason to stay here with me.

“By the way, they all know that you’ll be here on your own so don’t hesitate to call them if you need help with anything”, she informed me kindly.

“What am I supposed to do anyway?”, I whined like a child so she spun around to face me which forced me to raise my head to be able to look at her. I was feeling literally inferior. I'd just rolled out of bed while she was looking like a walking goddess.

“You can use the gym or the spa or a car to go wander around. I’ll be back before you know it, I promise”, she said giving me the warm and reassuring smile.

“Are you gonna eat lunch with me?”, I asked timidly.

“Of course”, she assured me and wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me into a big hug. I couldn’t help but nuzzle in her neck. Between her alluring fragrance and the proximity I needed from her, it was undeniable.

“I should walk you out though”, I said out of nowhere which made Taylor giggle amusedly.

“You, babe, aren’t going anywhere looking like this. I refuse to let any of my workers lay an eye on that body”, she said in a firm but still playful tone. She was so flattering.

“You’re right. Can I at least accompany you out of the room?”, I asked softly.

“Only if you promise me that you’re not upset about this”, she whispered soothingly as she tightened her hold.

“I understand, baby, don’t worry”, I said as I leaned my head back to be able to look into her beautiful blue eyes. Her makeup was insane. It made them pop out and draw you in.

“What if I take you to the zoo this afternoon to make up for it?”, she offered and flashed me a big grin that made my insides all tingly and excited.

“I really hope you’ll get to see a crocodile this time”, I simply said and recalled her angry and disappointed face with our bad experience in Portland.

“It’s a date then”, she winked playfully and pressed her lips tenderly on my forehead.

“Come on. I don’t want to make you late”, I mumbled and extended my arm to grab her purse before placing my hand on her lower back to guide her out of the closet.

“I prepared you a smoothie downstairs. I figured you wouldn’t want to eat much this morning so I made some detox shit”, she said completely casually.

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