Chapter 11 - 03:15.08:52

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I couldn't stop crying. I was on Taylor's couch bawling my eyes out, not knowing what to do or think. I didn't want to wake Taylor up because I was ashamed and scared.

My mom called me to inform me that the video and the photos had leaked. That every single media got hold of them. That every single newspaper was preparing their front page with my scandal on it. That my name was the only thing visible on social media. What was I supposed to do now? I was done. It was over. Even from his prison cell he could reach me and hurt me. He wanted me dead.

"Brooke, what are you doing?", Taylor's voice resonated in the room.

I got so startled that I thought my heart was gonna fall from its place. I spun my head to look at Taylor. The mere sight of her and I got disgusted with myself. My beautiful Taylor was approaching me with all her grace and all her careness while I, her girlfriend, was in the deepest shit ever. The world was watching me being raped and she was standing there all innocent. She didn't ask for aby of it.

"I need to go", I blurted out and stood up to hurry my way towards the front door.

"Where in the hell do you need to go in the middle of the night, Brooklyn?", she asked loudly as her footsteps were following me closely.

"I don't know, Taylor. I just can't be here right now. I need to leave you alone, out of my crappy life", I said in a quivering voice and I could feel myself swaying. I was on the verge of breaking down.

"Wow, wait up there!", she exclaimed firmly and held me back by my waist, making me crash against this body I loved so much.

"Let me go", I slurred and hung my head low in despair.

"What's wrong, my love?", she asked in her sweetest tone and wrapped her arms around me to hold me against her.

"Everything", I blurted out and scoffed nervously.

"Brooke, you need to talk to me. I know something is bothering you and I wanna help you", she said softly next to my ear.

"You can't help me, Taylor. It's too late", I mumbled and raised my head to look at her in the eyes. Her tired eyes that still looked the most marvellous wonder in this world.

"What? What are you talking about?", she asked shaking her head in lack of understanding.

"It's all out. He ended me, Tay", I confessed and let the tears flow out while her face completely transformed.

She was holding so much pain and anger. Her traits were almost unreadable. It was obvious that a struggle was going on in that head of hers but I needed a reaction and I got none. I needed my cornerstone but she was weak. I needed my girlfriend. I needed Taylor to do or say something. Anything. But she didn't. So I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs and got out of her grip to make my way out.

I didn't leave her property though. I stepped out and I walked around the house in the search of a spot where to sit with only my phone to give me some light. I finally sat down on the floor next to the pool and focused on the reflection of the moon on the water while I dialed my mother's number in desperation.

"Honey, how are you doing?", she asked when she picked up. Well, look who was going full English on me now.

"He did it. He won. I can't anymore. He wants me dead since the beginning and he won't back away, ever", I said in between my sniffing.

"Where are you, right now? Is Taylor with you?", she asked blankly.

"She's inside", I simply said.

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