Chapter 19 - Timeline

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“Tay”, I called and shook her again but she just grunted. “Taylor, please, I need to leave now”, I insisted and bent over to kiss her cheek lovingly.

“I love you”, she whispered and my heart fluttered happily.

“I love you too, baby. Your breakfast is ready downstairs and I’ll be back in a few hours”, I said softly and kissed her cheek one more time before getting up.

I grabbed my bag, slid it up to tuck it on my shoulder and made my way towards the door slowly to try and not make too much noise with my heels. I closed the door carefully behind me and made a quick stop to the bathroom to check my appearance and urinate. I hated the school’s bathrooms. I only used them when I didn't have any other option.

I knew way too many repulsive anecdotes that had happened in there.


I walked down the stairs and looked around me to see if Linda was here but I couldn’t find her so I texted her to tell her about Taylor being asleep upstairs. The next step was to go to the garage and to choose a car for the day. Who was I kidding? Of course I was taking the beast. I grabbed the keys, hopped in my latest acquisition and drove off in the direction of that living hell.

That high school was the worst establishment for any teenager who wanted to maintain a normal life and conduct. It was full of brats - including me - who spent their time drinking, smoking, fighting and fucking. All that mattered there was popularity, appearances and money, even though none of them could even be considered as middle class.

They just pretended. They lived in tiny houses but showed up at school with their best looks on, only to catch the attention of the most coveted students. I’d always wondered why parents kept on sending their kids there but apparently this school was the most well known of the city and its standard unequalable. It was true to say that the buildings were nice.

But as always, everything is just a facade.

As I got closer to the school, I noticed how busy the streets were. I figured it must have been parents driving their kids for their very first year of high school or current students trying to show off the rolling peanuts their parents had bought them over the summer. I took a right to enter the school street and literally slammed on the brakes at the sight in front of me.

The parking lot was full of cars with no spot available, the school parvis was overcrowded with students and parents. But most importantly, the paps were there. Not a big group of course but a couple of them was already too much. I looked around me and in one bold movement, I stepped on the gas and did a u turn to drive in the opposite direction while I typed on the screen in front of me to find Taylor’s contact.

“Whaaaat?”, she slurred groggily when she picked up. I held back a smile at the sound of her cute voice blasting through the speakers.

“Babe, paps are in front of the school”; I blurted out panic.

Those people are worse than roaches”, she claimed outrageously.

“I’m gonna park further from school and walk there.”

Brooke, it’s too dangerous.

“I can’t access the parking lot and I don’t want them to go after my car.”

Don’t park too far”, she mumbled grumpily.

“I just found a spot alongside the school street. I hope they won’t figure it’s mine”, I said and bent over to grab my bag from which I took my sunglasses out.

Call the cops if they bother you.

“I will. I’m sorry for disturbing your sleep time, baby.”

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