Chapter 16 - I'm scared

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It hurt so much. I opened my eyes and contorted myself but it only intensified the pain. I whimpered and held my side in agony as I slumped back against my pillows.

Pillows? Why was I in a bed? I looked up and only saw white. White ceiling, white bed, white outfit. Oh no, this didn't smell good. I looked to my right and was surprised to find Taylor sleeping on an easy chair and looking cuter than ever. What was she doing here?

Ouch! My head!

How was I supposed to wake Taylor up from here? My arm was connected to those annoying tubes that I couldn't remove and I certainly couldn't get up from the bed.

“Tay”, I croaked but it didn’t get me anywhere.

I sighed frustratingly and looked around me but I had nothing I could throw at her to get her attention. I heard a noise coming from the door so I focused on it and relaxed at the sight of my mother.

Maman! Maman, il faut que tu m’aides”, I blurted out in distress (Mom! Mom, you need to help me)

Depuis quand tu es réveillée?”, she asked in a soft voice as she approached the bed and sat at the edge of it (Since when are you up?)

“Like, five minutes”, I whispered and shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“Brooklyn, you need to get some rest”, she said in a low voice.

“I don’t want to rest. I want Taylor to wake up but she doesn’t hear me when I call her”, I said in a saddened tone and looked at her. She looked like an angel.

“You want me to wake her up for you?”, my mom asked kindly so I nodded and kept my eyes on my sleeping beauty.

My mother squatted down in front of Taylor and grabbed her hand while the other went to her shoulder to shake her a little. She called Taylor’s name repeatedly and kept on shaking her until her blue eyes came in sight. She frowned when she saw my mother but she looked up and her face completely transformed. I flashed her a bright grin but my smile fell when I noticed a few tears escaping her pretty eyes. My mom stood up and pointed at the door so I nodded in understanding and watched her leaving before turning back to my crying princess.

I observed her for a little while and thought back to everything that had happened. I didn't know if any of this was partly my fault or not, nor why it had escalated so fast, nor why Johanna had gone crazy like that but I was bothered with the fact that Taylor had had to witness it. I knew it was terrible for her.

“Tay, I’m sorry”, I whispered and it seemed to have been enough. She stood up from her easychair, came to straddle me on the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck before burying her face in the crook of my neck.

“I thought I lost you”, she mumbled and sniffed, meaning her sorrow was almost over.

“I love you, Taylor”, I said softly. It was the only thing I wanted to tell her.

“I love you so much more”, she whispered and leaned back to look at each me. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”, she asked as her eyes analyzed me attentively.

“I need to know you’re okay”, I said truthfully.

“I am. I got very scared but as long as you’re awake and healthy, I’ll be more than okay”, she said in her usual sweet tone and flashed me a cute grin as her hands left my neck to grab my own. I looked down at them and my eyes widened in realization.

“Tay, my gift!”, I exclaimed in panic and looked back into her lost blue eyes.

“What gift, baby?”, she asked softly.

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