Chapter 13 - Mind maze

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"No! Smile with your eyes!", the photographer exclaimed irritatingly.

"What the fuck does that even mean?", I asked completely lost.

"You're very gorgeous but Lord are you dumb", he said before rolling his eyes in despair.

"Screw you!", I spat.

"Okay, stop! Can we please take a short break?", Taylor cut in and approached me in a hurry. I exhaled deeply and gave her the annoyed expression.

"I suck at this", I whined and looked down in shame.

"Not at all. You look pretty on the pictures but I know you can do much better than that", Taylor said softly and placed her hands on each side of my neck to tilt my head up with her thumbs.

"What I am supposed to do? I don't understand anything of what he wants and he won't stop yelling at me."

"Why don't we start by fixing what needs to be fixed?", she asked as she studied my face intently.

She took a step back to take in my whole appearance and pursed her lips to the side in disapproval. She raised her head and arms to reach for my high bun so I let her do her thing and simply looked at her pretty face. The expression she held when she was focused was so adorable that I couldn't help myself. I had to lean forward to peck her chin. The sound of the cute giggles that resulted from that gesture managed to bring a smile to my face. How insane.

"You'll look way better like this", she whispered and let my hair fall down.

"Then why did they do my hair like that?", I asked in confusion while Taylor's magical fingers were styling my hair to her convenience.

"Because they're a bunch of incompetent assholes who don't know how to value and exploit your beauty", she said loudly and we both burst out laughing like two childs. I caught sight of a sort of flash so I spun my head to look at the camera and was surprised to see the photographer taking shots.

"Contrast adjustment, don't mind me", he waved his hand to shoo me away so I rolled my eyes and turned back to Taylor to let her keep on with her hair mission.

"You're making the front cover", she said softly. My jaw dropped to the floor in shock at the sound of this news.

"And they wanted to put me up front with that hair?", I asked completely horrified by this lack of professionalism which apparently amused Taylor a lot.

"You're lucky I'm here to put some order in here", she mumbled between her giggles.

"Very lucky. Thank you so much", I said in my kindest voice and grabbed her waist before dropping a light kiss on her soft lips.

"Now we need to do something about that outfit", she whispered when I pulled away so I looked down and indeed found it quite ugly.

"I look like a grandma", I muttered and Taylor laughed loudly at my reaction.

"Even a grandma shows more skin", she said between her giggles and I snickered amusedly before looking back up to meet her shining eyes.

"I need to get out of that shirt", I mumbled sheepishly.

"Not necessarily", she said reassuringly and took a step back to have more space.

She started by entirely unbuttoning the shirt and did a magic trick that involved a knot on the front and some pulling on the shoulders. I didn't follow well but the result was way better.

"You look very good", Taylor whispered huskily and lay her hand on my bare stomach, making a huge shiver travel my limbs.

"Thank you for helping me", I said softly and flashed her my most sincere smile as my hand reached for her face to cup her cheek.

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