Chapter 35 - Ashton

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Here I was, sitting in front of Lisa for a lunch she insisted we had in private. Taylor wasn’t really pleased about it so she sent Mike to keep an eye on us and stayed with Mason to give him a tour of the city.

“I didn’t see you at all yesterday. I left your house before you woke up”, Lisa said between two sips of water.

“Yeah, sorry. Taylor and I were very tired”, I apologized after having swallowed my piece of fish.

“I was hoping we could talk without having anyone interfering”, she said without a single ounce of frustration or insinuation. It surprised me but told me I didn’t have to apprehend this conversation.

“Sure. I think there’s a lot of unsaid so maybe we can help each other with the missing pieces”, I said calmly to show her I was on the same page as her.

“I should probably start from the beginning”, Lisa looked at me questioningly to wait for my approval.

“Yeah. Go ahead”, I nodded in encouragement to indicate her I would listen.

“Justin was the one who approached me. It started off as simple confessions at first. Since I was your closest friend he turned to me when he needed advice and stuff.”

“Hang on. You’re aware that we weren’t really together, right?”, I asked rhetorically to set up the bases.

“Now I do. But back then he was bragging non stop about you two being the power couple”, Lisa added to which I couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

“Yeah, I remember that”, I muttered under my breath.

“He would visit me regularly. And somehow I started catching feelings for him. He was repeating me all the time that you were rejecting him and that he wasn’t fulfilled in your relationship because you wouldn’t give him the sex he wanted.”

“So by pure kindness and generosity you volunteered”, I said a bit sarcastically but I knew she wouldn’t take offense.

“No, I didn’t want to get involved at first. I had already cheated on Mason plenty of times and I didn’t want to take your boyfriend”, she answered truthfully.

“So how did you still end up with him?”, I asked confusedly as the story wasn’t making any sense in my head.

“You remember the party at the lake house? The one you ditched because you were tired from the competition?”, she asked so I nodded for her to continue. “We hooked up that night. It was the typical drunk teenagers who have sex at a party kind of sex. But then he came to my house a couple of days later to talk about it and we fucked again.”

“Please, watch your mouth. People can overhear”, I requested with an exasperated roll of eyes.

“Anyway, I really liked him so the more we slept together the more addicted I became. And he was telling me he liked me back so it had a special vibe every time we were together.”

“Did he really like you though? Because in my experience, Justin couldn’t love anyone but himself.”

“I thought he did. But when I discovered the truth it was too late”, she shrugged helplessly and I could see the emotion in her eyes.

“How did you find out his true nature then?”, I asked between two mouthfuls of spinach. It tasted really good with that cream.

“I was with him when he got arrested. They just took him away without saying what it was about and the only thing Justin told me was that you were the one behind it but that he was innocent.”

“Innocent my ass”, I couldn’t help but say before drinking some water.

“I believed him at first. He was so desperate that he asked Clayton to release the sex tape. Justin thought it would play in his favor and prove that you were making things up. And me, I was just meant to monitor Clayton and update Justin”, Lisa explained and I was really glad to obtain some details. It would help me with all the angles of the story.

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