Chapter 5: The Power of Three

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Naruto felt his cheeks burn as he saw his sensei, Kurenai Yuhi. She had long, black hair with ruby colored eyes with red lipstick adorning her lips with a single red sleeve on her right arm with bandages that was almost like a dress around her curvy figure and bandages from her forearm and down.

He didn't understand. Why was he suddenly increasing his breathing? What was this nervousness in his chest? The weight on his chest? What was it. . .?

"Y-yes?" He stuttered out, immediately cursing himself. He didn't want to be like that Hyuga.

"I'm glad that you trusted in my abilities to find you." She said, her eyes narrowed at the grey haired boy, causing Naruto to glare at Sasuke, who only pointed at Sakura, who was looking down at the ground, obviously embarrassed.

"You could say it was, um, a first test to many." He didn't want to sound rude to her. She was like an angel in his eyes, and she was the most beautiful person in the village in her eyes.

Was he developing a little crush? He hoped not.  Danzo had taught him that feelings such as love and caring for someone would do nothing but hold him back. He steeled his nerves as Kurenai spoke.

"Well, since we're all here, sit down, we're going to have to introduce ourselves." Everyone sat down, Sasuke on one side of Kurenai, Sakura on the other, and Naruto in front, the farthest away from everyone.

"Naruto, why don't you come closer?" Kurenai suggested. "I want you to be able to hear us all." Naruto shook his head.

"I'd rather sit here. The grass is softer." Another lie, but oh well. Kurenai pursed her lips and sighed.

"Fine, I'll go first. My name is Kurenai Yuhi, I like romance novels, hanging out with my friends, and learning new things. I dislike men who look down on women and most meat. My hobbies include practicing genjutsu and trying to make new combinations of vegetable soup. My dream, well, my dream is to help all of you become successful ninja!" She said, smiling, showing off her pearly white teeth, making Naruto look away.

He would not fall for her. She was older than him, an adult. It would never work out, she would never even consider him in her top 100 potential guys to date list, it would be pointless to get latched onto these feelings.

Danzo was right, these emotions will only distract him.

"How about you go, Sakura?" Sakura nodded.

"I'm Sakura Haruno, I like a certain boy," She glanced at Sasuke, which caused said Uchiha to groan. "And hanging out with my friend Ino. I dislike perverts and arrogant people. My hobbies include gathering flowers and reading books. My dream, is to marry a certain boy." She blushed a deep red, blood slowly coming out of her nose as she tried her hardest not to look at Sasuke.

"Okay," Kurenai said, not liking the fact that Sakura had a baseless dream in the Shinobi and Kunoichi world. "What about you, Sasuke?" Sasuke hned, something he did often that seemed to irk every non-Uchiha in the area.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like tomatoes and hanging out with my friend, Naruto. I dislike how girls chase me around the village all the time and how Itachi-nii pokes my forehead a lot. My hobbies include training and learning new jutsu from Shisui. My dream is to become a great clan leader of the Uchiha!" Kurenai nodded.

"An admirable dream. I hope you reach it one day." Sasuke nodded his thanks before all eyes shifted to Naruto. "Now, you."

"My name is Naruto Hatake. I don't really like a lot of things, and I don't really dislike a lot of things. My hobby is training. My dream?" He paused, realizing that he had never had goal in life. Sure, he was twelve, but in the eyes of the village, he was an adult.

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