Chapter 40: Flowing

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Naruto ducked under Kisame's now unwrapped blade as he flipped over Sasuke, kneeing him in the back until a loud crunch was heard, causing the Uchiha Heir to fall to the ground as he screamed. 

"I just broke your spine, Sasuke," Naruto commented as if he hadn't just crippled his previous best friend. "You'll be out for the rest of the fight." Sasuke clenched his teeth, tears of pain threatening to come out of his eyes. 

"Woah, that's pretty brutal," Kisame commented, a vicious grin on his face as Itachi stood next to the shark-like man impassively, his fist clenched. 

"He was in my way at the moment, you understand don't you?" 

"You broke my little brother's back because he was in your way? For trying to protect his family?" He whispered as he was suddenly enveloped in an orange chakra, it forming into an upper body of a man with armor and a shield in its hand. 

"Are you angry?" Naruto said, looking a little bored. "Good, show me what you have Itachi," He stopped talking when Kisame suddenly charged the grey-haired shinobi, who rolled his eyes. Kisame swung his blade, only for a voice to crash over the two shinobi. 

"Kisame now!" Naruto's single eye widened when Itachi shouted those two words before an orange sword pierced Naruto's chest, making his eye turned to one of shock to one filled with amazement and fear. 

"Nice Itachi," Kisame commented as he saw that Naruto was impaled on the chakra sword. "I'll finish him off." 

"No needs Kisame," Itachi said darkly as he approached Naruto, his Susanoo not disappearing. "He's mine." Naruto fell to his knees as he coughed up blood. 

"The Totsuka Blade huh? A-Am I going to die here?" He knew full well of what he Totsuka Blade did. It sealed the person who was ever pierced by it into the blade and made them see and endless genjutsu, therefore, death. 

"I admit, the Uchiha are wrong. Most deserve death," Itachi said as he was now in front of Naruto. "But the moment you hurt my little brother is the moment when I throw everything away to hurt you right back." Naruto coughed a little bit, blood trailing down his chin. 

"You're filled with surprises Itachi, but," Naruto began chuckling, it starting out low and almost undetectable, then increasing to full blown out laughter. "I'm far more surprising then you are!" Then, Naruto exploded, blowing Itachi back as his Susanoo disappeared. 

"If you think that I would let you kill me because of that little sword, you're more stupid than I thought," Naruto said, making Itachi and Kisame whirl around to see Naruto holding Sasuke by his neck, the teen unconscious in his hand. 

"You will let go of him now!" Itachi shouted, activating his Susanoo once again, but was stopped when Naruto held a single kunai in hand, putting it over Sasuke's heart. 

"One more move, and I'll kill him." Itachi froze with those simple words, not wanting to risk it. "Good. Now, I'm not a liar, so I'll admit that I'm at the disadvantage here, especially with the Totsuka Blade at your command." He put a single paper bomb on Sasuke's chest, causing Itachi's visible eye to widen. 

"You will let me leave Itachi, and I shall leave Sasuke here, but the moment you try and attack me is the moment you can goodbye to your precious little brother." Itachi nodded, deactivating his Susanoo instantaneously. "Good. This won't be our last battle, I can promise that." He dropped Sasuke and disappeared in a shushin, and Itachi immediately ran towards Sasuke, tearing off the paper bomb and throwing it away from the unconscious Uchiha. 

"Well, that was pretty anticlimactic, I thought we had him for a second," Kisame noted, wrapping up his blade back in the bandages that held them. 

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