Chapter 37: Misery

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"What the hell is happening?!" Kioku muttered as he opened up the curtains from his window, only to reveal the pure anarchy that was taking place in his village. 

Buildings were on fire, the blazing orange lighting up the night sky as smoke flew up into the air. People were running around frantically, whether to escape the fires or to put them out, he didn't know. He could hear faint screams coming from the window and his eyes opened as he fully understood what was happening. 

"Konoha and Mist," He whispered breathlessly. He immediately shut the curtains and ran into Ellie's room shaking her awake. 

"What? What's going on?" She asked him, the roar of a fire rippling through the air. Kioku smoothed her hair down, it being everywhere from the static of her pillow.

"We're under attack. I want you to go in the bathroom and lock the door." He went through his kunai pouch and handed her a kunai. "If anyone besides Kurotsuchi, gramps, or me come through that door, stab them and run." Ellie nodded, but couldn't contain her fear as she was shaking slightly. 

"I'm scared," She whispered, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. Kioku smiled softly at the girl. 

"I am too. But we'll get through this alright. I have to go defend the village, be safe okay?" She nodded as she stood up from her bed, stretching a little. 

"Are you coming back?" She asked quietly, causing Kioku to freeze. Was he? There was a big chance that'd he die here. If Fugaku found out he escaped, then he would no doubt try to kill him this time with no restraint. He looked at her worried eyes and gave her a big fake smile. 

"Of course I will. I mean, who's going to take you out to eat hm?" She held out her pinky. 

"Pinky promise?" He smiled at her, but on the inside, he was weeping. He accepted that he was going to die, but Ellie was making it agonizing to lie to her. But he would. It would make her stronger in the end. He looped his pinky with hers and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering in the end as he pulled off. 

"Pinky promise." He whispered in a hushed tone before Ellie nodded and ran to the bathroom. He walked out the door and closed it behind him, the sound of battle coming out of the apartment building and he took one last look at the door, a single tear rolling down his eye before he ran to join the fray of battle. 

The first thing he saw was the blurs of ninja fighting ferociously, fire jutsu's practically being spammed as rock jutsu's collided with them. The explosion was from the center of the village and Kioku immediately saw the building that was now up in flames. It was the orphanage Ellie came from. 

"Those sicks bastards," He said with uncontained rage as his one eye shifted from normal grey to his Sharingan, it spinning wildly. 

"What are you doing just standing there? Fight!" He heard some shout. Turning his head, he saw a pair of Uchiha running towards him. They saw his Sharingan and must've assumed that he was one of them. 


He quickly took out his sword and dispatched the efficiently, a glare of pure hatred still in his eye. "You dare attack my village and think you can get away with it? Think again you arrogant bastards." 

Kioku wiped the blood off his blade as he charged towards the Tsuchikage Office Building, no doubt Fugaku was there to try and kill gramps and weaken his nation as he did with Kumo. 

He jumped across the building but was suddenly hit by a blunt object, sent tumbling down below and hitting the ground causing a small crater to appear. Then a man jumped down off the building, and the moonlight revealed a man with green hair and a mask covering half of his face, revealing a single purple eye and sharp teeth, a large Uchiha fan on his 

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