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"Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad!" A little boy, around the age of four, said poking his father's unmasked cheek over and over again. He groaned when his father didn't wake up so he shifted to the next best thing. 

"Mom, mom, mom, mom!" Again, she didn't get up either. He sighed as he rolled over their legs and onto the soft carpet floor before he made a single hand sign. 

"Kaneki Style: Wake the Parents up Jutsu!" He shouted as he jumped up in the air and landed on both of his parents, both of which woke up immediately, the air out of their lungs. 

"Kaneki you, brat!" Naruto groaned as he rolled out of bed. 

"I'm going to throttle you!" Temari shouted, but again, she groaned in slight pain. 

 Yes, Temari and Naruto had two kids, one named Kaneki Hatake, named after the main character in Naruto's favorite book, and the other, a little girl who was sleeping in the cradle on the opposite side of the room, Karura Hatake, named after Temari's mother. 

"Why on earth did you wake us up?" Naruto asked, obvious bags under his eyes. They had stayed up all night trying to get the baby to sleep, and sadly, it was their third all-nighter. 

"I'm just surprised he didn't wake the baby," Temari commented, yawning as she stretched. 

"It's Christmas! Dad once told me he woke his dad up when he was little way before right now!" Temari glared at Naruto, who laughed sheepishly. 

"This is your fault now." She muttered. Naruto rolled his eyes and kissed her on the cheek. 

"Whatever, I'll make it up to you later," She rolled her eyes before they walked over to the Christmas tree, where only one present was visible. 

"What's this?" Kaneki asked, obviously disappointed. 

"Your present obviously," Naruto responded, another yawn coming out of his mouth. "Just open it." Kaneki rolled his eyes as he opened up the present, and his eyes widened. 

It was his great grandpa's old chakra blade, passed down to his grandpa, passed down to his dad, passed down to his mom, and now him. His whole family legacy was in this blade and he was ready to use it. 

"Thank you!" He shouted as he tackled his father and mother to the ground, giggling giddely the whole time. 

Temari and Naruto both smiled warmly at their son as they returned the hug, only to be interuppted when a wail was heard from their room. Naruto sighed. 

"I'll get her," Temari nodded her thanks as she ruffled Kaneki's hair, but the boy didn't mind, he was too busy admiring the silver blade. 

Naruto brought his daughter in the room, the one-year-old no longer crying as he daddy bounced her up and down in his arms, calming her down. He set her down as she began crawling, playing with her bigger brother. 

Naruto saw his son, wife, and his daughter smiling, laughing, and all in all having a good time. He was content. He was happy, something he thought he would never be. 

He glanced at the photo's on the wall and saw his old teammates, Haku, Sasuke, and Sarutobi, the photo they had taken the day they were reinstated as a team. He smiled at the photo as he trailed his eyes along the wall. 

A picture of his and Temari's wedding, a picture of his father holding a baby Kaneki, a baby picutre of Kaneki, and finally, a family photo with Naruto in his Hokage robes as he held Kaneki on his shoulders with Temari on his right, holding baby Karura. 

He thought he'd never be happy. He thought he would die getting revenge. 

But now, he was greatful. Greatful for what he had and what he loved so dearly. 

And he would destroy anyone who would try and take that away from him. 

After all, he was Naruto Hatake, the Sixth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, the undeniably strongest shinobi in history since the Sage of Six Paths and Madara Uchiha. He was proud of the man he had become and the things he had done. 

And that is the end of his story, the one known as: 

The Third Hatake. 

And done. 

Wow, holy hell. I'm finally done with the best fanfic I've ever written. I'm very proud of this story and I hope you all enjoyed it at least half as much as I loved writing it. 

I first imagined the story as, "What if Naru was Kaka's son?" And I went with it, made Obito female, which wasn't planned. 

Then again, nothing I truly write is planned except for a few scenes. 

In the beginning, I had no intention of giving Naruto the Sharingan, yet here we are. I had no intention of pairing him with Temari, yet here we are. And I can most definitely say that I did not expect Naruto to shatter the cracks of reality, that was something I thought of like a week or two ago and just went with. 

So, thank you for sticking with this story till the end, a lot more are coming. 

If you haven't already, look up my newest story: The Tragedy of Naruto Uzumaki: A Naruto Fanficiton. 

It'll be at least as good as this, but not sure about better. I'll try my best. 

Anyways, yes. I think I only left ONE plot hole in the whole story and that was the scene where Iwa,(Before Kioku) was experimenting on a "big weapon that would bring Konoha to it's knees". That never was addressed, but I might make an extra chappie making adult Naru deal with it, idk no promises. 

Anyways, long as author's note. 

Welp, this is it for this story. 

I'll see you all later, my lil demons! 

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