Chapter 44: The Final Battle

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Heads rolled, houses and stores burned, screams tore through the air like a sheet of paper being ripped apart in a silent room, smoke permeated the air, the whole air turning dark grey from the ashes that rose above the village and into the sky, dark clouds promising a storm to be remembered above. 

It was at this moment, that Naruto Hatake easily broke the neck of an Uchiha, who was no more than thirteen years of age; but the Hatake didn't care. The Uchiha will play for all the blood they shed with their own blood, and then, Naruto could rest. 

"Where are you bastard?!" He shouted, dodging under a stray kunai as the buildings around him exploded, the little pieces of wood and brick scattering across the terrain. But then, the man that was so detested by Naruto Hatake, the man who was the source of everything wrong in Naruto's life, stood before him, his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan activated, one of them being Kakashi's old Sharingan, and the other being Naruto's old Sharingan, and this man was Fugaku Uchiha.

"I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance." Fugaku spat out bitterly. "I had you chained and I let you slip through my fingers like sand." Naruto didn't smirk, laugh crazily, or even glare at the man before him, he just looked at him with a blank face, his regular Sharingan also active. 

"Fugaku," He began, finding his words and drawing his sword, lightning dancing around the blade. "I will end the Uchiha Clan, and I believe my first major blow was Shisui." Fugaku didn't even flinch at the revelation that Naruto had killed Shisui. "And my second major blow was your own wife, I hope you liked the message." 

Fugaku's face twisted in a rage as pure malice and hatred oozed off of him like water from a faucet. 

"You," He said in between gritted teeth, practically grinding them as he glared at Naruto. "You killed my wife! My sons! You took everything from me one by one!" This time, Naruto did smirk. 

"You're partially correct I suppose. Neither Itachi nor Sasuke are dead yet, but I plan on correcting that soon after I kill every last Uchiha in this village." Fugaku took out the Uchiha Family Sword as he held it in a reverse grip, the back of the blade resting soundly on his back. 

"I'll kill you before you get the chance to harm a hair on their heads!" He shouted as he charged. 

"Your wife said the same thing, look at what she's become now." He said loudly as he met Fugaku's blade with relative ease, the two exchanging sword blows as the swords clanged off of each other, sparks flying as the pace increased so much to where they were seen as just blurs, neither one of them landing a single blow. 

Naruto leaned back, narrowly dodging a swipe to his head before he spun around and used the hilt of his sword to slam into Fugaku's ribs, making the man grunt in pain as he flipped over the Uchiha Clan Head, taking out a kunai as he stabbed the man's calf, causing a scream of pain to erupt from the man's lungs, much to Naruto's delight as he relished that scream, it echoing in his mind over and over again. 

"I've been waiting for so long," Naruto said in a calm tone, but a grin was practically plastered on his face. "So, so long. I've dreamt of this, of this very moment, and I fantasized how I would kill you, but now that I'm here, I can get all the satisfaction I want just by piercing your heart with my sword." 

"Heh heh heh," Fugaku began laughing, the chuckle low, but it soon grew in intensity as he began laughing harder. "Hahahahahahahaha!" Naruto's grin grew bigger. 

"What's wrong Fugaku? Have I broke your mind?" Fugaku stopped laugh, but the humor did not disappear from his eyes. 

"You assume that I am alone, but the only one truly alone in this very moment is you!" His gaze looked above Naruto, causing Naruto to turn around, and before him, he saw Itachi and Sasuke, and all of the Akatsuki behind the two heirs. 

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