Chapter 10: Changes

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"Are we really taking those two with us when we're done? They might cause trouble." Asuma grumbled as he sat on the side of the bridge. Kurenai rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, I promised Naruto that we would at least try." Asuma's eyes hardened at the mention of the Hatake. 

"Who the hell cares about what the brat wants?" He said, obvious hate in his voice. Kurenai glared at Asuma. 

"I do. He's my student, and I've never seen him this happy in, well, ever. He's even taken off his mask. Sakura thinks the whiskers are cute." Asuma rolled his eyes as he shook his head. 

"Whatever. . ." He mumbled before they felt a large chakra pulse coming from the unfinished part of the bridge. "What was that?" Asuma said as he immediately got on guard, bringing out his two chakra brass knuckle-blades, as a heavy Mist began setting in. "Did Zabuza change his mind?" 

"No," Kurenai whispered. "T-this is a much larger chakra, it isn't Zabuza." They heard a loud chuckling before two figures emerged from the Mist. 

"You're right," One of the men said. He was a tall man with pale skin, he had green hair on the top of his head, with a single mask that seemed to be cut in half, covering the left side of his face, only revealing a single purple eye with a smirk on his face, revealing a few sharp teeth. On his back, was a large battle fan.

"But we're looking for Zabuza." The other man said. He was shorter than the other man, about six feet tall. He had short, brown hair and a mask that covered his the upper half of his face, only revealing a mouth that was in a thin line. He had a small, thin sword on his hip. They were both wearing Mist insignia's on their mask. 

"And if you don't tell us where he is, we'll cut open you're insides." The man with the mask covering his eyes looked over at the other man. 

"Kazuma, a word of advice, don't threaten Konoha shinobi when we have no quarrels with them." The other man rolled his only visible eye. 

"Such a buzzkill, Komihoro." The one named Komihoro, frowned and bowed to the two Leaf Ninja. 

"I humbly ask you do not interfere with our mission. We are to hunt and kill Zabuza Momochi and his accomplice on orders of the 4th Mizukage." Asuma grimaced as he realized their situation. 

"Kurenai. . ." He said in a warning tone. 

"I know, Asuma." She whispered. "But I just can't-" 

"These guys are above our pay grade. We are not going to protect a Missing Ninja just beecause some student wants to have two more friends." 

"I, I," Kurenai began before she released the tension in her body. "Fine." She whispered. The man had a neutral smile on his face.

"Thank you." Komihoro said as the duo began walking forwards, passing the two Jonin, leaving chills down their spines. 

With Naruto

"Come on, you have to be faster than that!" Zabuza shouted as he quickly tripped Naruto, causing the boy to land on his back. He held his sword down on the boy's throat. "I don't know how in hell you're stronger than Haku, she should be on the same level as me." 

"Maybe I'm going easy on you." Naruto smirked before he disappeared in a puff of smoke, before revealing the real Naruto as he tried his best to lop Zabuza's head off, only to fail as the man easily parried his blade and kicked the grey haired boy in his stomach, causing saliva to come out of his mouth. 

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