Chapter 14: Mares

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I'm tired. 

I'm just, tired. 

Over and over again, not sleeping and not sleeping. 

Stupid mission. 

If it wasn't for that stupid mission, I'd be able to close my eyes without seeing Zabuza's head rolling on the ground, or Haku-chan's crying face as she hit me over and over again. 


Every goddamn time I blink I see his dead eyes, or his eyes filled with life, and I just remember of how useless I was to protect him and Haku-chan's smile. 


Those two, they were strong enough to take Zabuza on without a single sweat, enough to the point where the Demon of the Bloody Mist gave up willingly. 

And that scared me. I wasn't on par, or even close to being on par with Zabuza. So how the hell was I supposed to kill them? Kazuma and Komihoro? Was that their names? I don't know. My mind isn't right right now. 

I haven't slept since then. Haku-chan has been sleeping in the bed with me, breathing lightly as she fell asleep, and I can't help but envy her. She gets to skip ahead and wake up, refreshed and warm, while I stay awake and am left with these visions. 

Over and over. 

It sucks. It does, we all know it does. If I were able to blink without seeing them, then I would be fine. But I'm not. 

I'm not fine. I can't do anything right. I haven't even trained by myself since then, and now the Chunin Exams? 

Danzo-sensei would be disappointed with me. Sai-senpai would be disappointed. 

Torune, would be disappointed. 

I slowly got out of the bed, making sure not to wake up Haku-chan before looking at the alarm. It was midnight. I sighed and got up, putting on a some sweats and walking out of the house, enjoying the enticing cold air of fall approaching. 

I'd be a teenager soon. 

It was August 31st after all, in about a month and ten days, I'd be thirteen. I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips as I walked down the empty, dark streets of Konoha. 

Dad, he'd been a Genin at 4, a Chunin at 7, and a Jonin at 13. And here I was, stuck at Genin at 12. I was terribly weak, even after my training with Danzo-sensei. 

It sucked. 

I still remember Zabuza's last words. 

"Find your own dreams." 

How was I supposed to do that? I can't, my purpose was to be a weapon for Konoha to use, but now, I'm questioning everything.  I can't help it. 

Things were so simple before Wave. 

I was in control of my life, controlled who was in my small circle of people who I tolerated and now? Now I wasn't. I wasn't in control and I didn't like it. It felt like I was spiraling out of control, in this never ending cyclone that was called life. 

I let out a bitter chuckle as I turned a dark corner, and for some reason, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Distracted from my thoughts, I looked around and I see a single pair of Sharingan eyes staring, no, glaring at me from a distance. 

What would a member of the Uchiha want to do with me? I haven't done anything to them except for kick Sasuke's ass in a spar, but even then, it was a spar. Nothing permanent had happened. 

"Naruto Hatake," I heard a voice say from behind me, making me widen my eyes in shock. "You are to come with us." 

"And if I refuse?" I whispered quietly, and I suddenly felt something sharp scratch the back of my neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to get a message across. "I see." I raised by hands above my head and I felt something hit my neck, before I saw an empty abyss of blackness. 

I felt my eyes slowly open, and I saw nothing but whiteness. I soon realized that a white cloth was wrapped around my head, making me unable to see. I rose my head, and tried to move my arms and legs, but I couldn't, they were obviously tied to the chair I was sitting in with a chakra-absorbing rope. 

"It seems you are awake." A gruff voice said in front of me, and I couldn't help but think that it sounded familiar. "Good, we can get this started." I felt the air in my lungs leave almost instantaneously as someone punched me in my stomach, causing me to start coughing. 

"What's this? Ganging up on a preteen? Oh how the mighty have fallen." I said, shaking my head as I chuckled. It was all an act though. Was I worried?


Was I scared? 

Fuck. No. 

"You better watch your mouth," I heard a different voice say as I felt my cheeks squished together as a rough hand grabbed my mouth. "Or else I'll cut out your tongue." 

"Okay," I began thinking aloud. "You're obviously not Root, or else I wouldn't be tied up. You're not anybody from Suna because you all smell like grass and. . . shit?" I felt the back of my head receive a blow, and I immediately began feeling dizzy. 

"And I have decent relations with most of the clans in the village. But there is one tiny detail that's been picking on my mind." I straightened up, a grin playing on my face. "What do the Uchiha Clan want from me? I haven't wronged any of you, so I guess that this is purely because I'm a Jinchuuriki with a Sharingan." 

I felt the cloth on my face be lifted up, and I was not disappointed when I saw various members of the Uchiha Clan standing over me, with Fugaku Uchiha, Sasuke's father and the Clan Head of the Uchiha, in the front. 

"What do you want?" Fugaku smirked, bending down to get eye level with me, his Sharingan active as it slowly morphed into something else, something different. It was like a shuriken with a dot to the left on each side sharp end of the three pointed shuriken figure. 

"I want to do something to you," Fugaku said. I smirked. 

"I don't swing that way." I responded cheekily, his face turned to one of anger and he backhanded me. 

"Insolent brat!" He shouted angrily. His weird Sharingan began spinning as he looked into my eyes. "Goodbye, Naruto Hatake. . ." I rose an eyebrow, what was he going to do with that weird ass Sharingan? "Kotoamatsukami." He said before I saw nothing but white. 

A blank. 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Tellll meeeeee! 

Anyways, yeah. Naruto POV. Next chapter won't be like this, but I wanted to do it for some reason. 

What did Fugaku do? I don't know. 

Do you? 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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