Chapter 22: The Title of Winner

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"The Uchiha find that you are in their way." Naruto said as he hovered above a frightened man, his sword drawn, already dripping in blood. "Allow me to rectify that!" 


Naruto sat up, breathing hard at the nightmare. No, it wasn't a nightmare, but a memory. He had done those things. And now, he would pay for his sins. He would have to live with this the rest of his life, no matter what. 

He stood up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, stretching as he walked. Today was the day. The Chunin Exams were finally coming to a close. He was grateful. They've been nothing but stress on him since the day he was told about them. 

Uchiha, Sound, and Sand vs. Leaf, though, Naruto wasn't sure if the Sand would still carry out their part of the invasion. After all, he gave them a good warning. 

Attack, and he'd kill them all. 

Though, now that he thought about it, the village now knew of the attacks that were going to take place today. He had left a note after all. Wouldn't want his village to die with him, right? 

Naruto was interrupted from his thoughts when a knocking was heard on his hotel door. Puzzled as to who it could be, Naruto grabbed a kunai and held it in his sleeve and he slowly opened the door, only to take a step back in surprise as it revealed the Suna girl, Temari. 

"Can I come in?" She whispered, looking down the halls as if she were being followed. Naruto rose an eyebrow, but opened the door all the way to let her in. 

"Sure?" She walked in hastily and Naruto shut the door behind him. "How'd you know I was here?" Temari didn't answer and she sat on the couch, her hands twitching as they fumbled with one another. 

"Wasn't that hard. You have no where else to go. Your house is currently being investigated by the Police Force, accusing you of being a traitor," That was a surprise. He didn't know that. "You're too dumb to commit suicide when your village is in danger," Ha, shows how much she knows. "So I easily got the hotel owner to show me any of the newer rooms that were rented out, and thought that it was you." 

"Highly illogical of you, but whatever." Naruto commented. "Could've just said you followed me like a Hyuga or something." Temari rose an eyebrow, but decided not to comment. "What do you want?" 

"I want you to spare my brothers and my sensei, in return, you can kill as many Sand Nin as you want, including me." Naruto frowned. 

"So, you're still going on with the attack I see." Temari nodded, not even attempting to hide it. 

"We follow the orders of our Kazekage, we cannot argue with our ruler." Naruto shrugged, his kunai in hand. 

"Okay, I guess I'll accept your small agreement." He walked to Temari, who had closed her eyes, awaiting the pain. But it never came. She opened one eye and saw Naruto smiling sadly at her, his kunai at her throat. 

"Just do it." She said, not breathing. 

"I," He seemed to be battling with his inner self. "I can't." He withdrew the kunai. "I'll accept your terms, on one small change." Temari rose her eyebrow. 


"You get to live too." Her eyes widened in shock as he said those simple five words. Why? Why would he choose to spare her? 

"Following a leader can be rough," Naruto commented, a hint of sadness in his voice. "You are forced to do things that you'd rather not do. Like kill an entire squad of your friends or your grandfather." Temari looked at Naruto. 

"Y-you're D-Death?" Naruto nodded. 

"It's a long story." Naruto explained. "One that I'd rather not talk about. Let's just say, it was not of my own free will." Temari shifted uncomfortably. 

"So, you'll spare my siblings and my sensei?" 

"And you." Naruto finished for her. "But to do this, you are not to attack any of us. The moment I see your sensei, brothers, or even you trying to hurt a Leaf Ninja or civilian intentionally," A loud pop from his neck was heard and he grinned madly at her, causing shivers to go down her back. "I'll kill you all!" 

"O-Okay." Temari stammered. "Looks like you took something from those Uchiha's." She muttered under her breath, but not soft enough to where Naruto didn't hear it. 

She instantly found herself pinned to the wall, his forearm against her throat as his Mangeykou span wildly in anger, a single black slit going down the crimson eye. 

"Do not compare me with those bastards, ever, again." Temari was trying hard not to strike the grey haired Hatake as she was losing air, to do so would mean certain death. 

"So-rry," She choked out, and was instantly released. She fell to the ground, clutching her throat as she looked at the Genin in front of her with unconstrained fear. 

"I will not tolerate stupid shit like that, understood?" She nodded quickly, still leaning on the wall, trying to recover her breath. "Good." He chirped, his personality flipping a 180. He decided to  begin taking his shirt off, revealing a very developed six pack, making Temari advert her eyes as a slight blush adorned her cheek. He then began taking off pants, but was stopped when Temari coughed, her hands across her eyes. 

"You're, still here?" He questioned. "If I were to know getting choked was your thing, I wouldn't have done it." He said, seeing her blush. 

"S-shut up." She shouted, uncovering her eyes. "I don't like that you pervert!" Naruto smirked. 

"Says the one still in my room watching me get undressed." Temari was about to speak, but thought better of it as she stormed out of his room, a healthy blush on her face. 

"Heh, guess she liked what she saw." Naruto commented as he undressed. "Then again, who'd blame her?" He looked at his self, and immediately his smile disappeared as blood appeared all over his chest as darkness surrounded him. 

"Or rather, who in their right mind would find someone like me attractive?" He whispered to himself as he was suddenly surrounded by his sins and clutched his head as he fell to the ground, clutching his head. 

"No, I won't do this. I will be better! I won't let in consume me!" 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Tell meeeee! Shorter chapter today, sorry, can't really think of anything else to put in here. 

How will things turn out? 

I don't know, you tell me. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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