Chapter 18: Preliminaries Suck

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". . . and it seems there are too many people here, and since we want to give a show, we need to cut down the amount of people fighting in the Third Exam." Hiruzen said as he looked at the Genin before him. "So, you will be fighting each other, 1 v 1 style as to eliminate the others and leave the cream of the crop." He nodded towards a sickly looking Jonin who had a bandanna on his head who kept coughing every now and then. "This is Hayate Gekko, your proctor, his word-"

"-is law." Hayate finished. "Everyone get on the balcony, when your name get's called, come down here and fight your opponent, winners will proceed to the exam. There will be no backing out." Kabuto looked distressed at this, but kept silent. 

Naruto felt his hand twitch, and quickly balled his hands into fist. He would have his fight, but with who? Certainly not any of the Genin front his village, which made up more than half of the contestants, they were all weaklings. Perhaps Temari? Or even her little brother who was supposedly a monster, Gaara? 

He walked and ended up leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he closed his eyes, indicating he did not wish to talk to his teammates, which made Haku glare at him, still not forgetting what had happened in the Forest of Death, and Sasuke to roll his eyes at his bestfriends indifference to them. 

The matches were easy and simple. 

Sasuke vs. one of Kabuto's teammates, which the author is too lazy to bother saying because they're irrelevant. Sasuke won with ease, being able to keep his distance from the chakra absorbing Genin. 

Haku beat Ino into a pitiful mess, taking her anger out on the Yamanaka. 

Shikamaru beat the Sound Genin Kin rather lazily. 

Shino fought Kiba, which ended in a draw, Kiba narrowly knocking out Shino just as Shino's bugs had absorbed all the Inuzuka's chakra. 

Temari had beaten Tenten easily with one swing of her fan, embarrassing the Leaf Genin horribly. Choji fought against the other Sound Genin, Dosu, and lost do the Sound Genin's soundwaves. 

Neji beat Hinata, and was forcefully restrained from killing her. 

Rock Lee fought Gaara, almost beating the crazed boy, but lost as his leg was crushed by the boy's sand, and was only spared from death due to his sensei, Might Guy, from saving him. 

"Will Kabuto Yakushi and Naruto Hatake come down in the arena?" Naruto lifted off the wall. 

"It's about time." He said in a monotone voice, sending chills down everyone's who was in proximity to him to shiver. He jumped off the balcony and was only a few yards away from Kabuto, who managed a weak smile. 

"I wish you the best of luck, Naruto-san." Naruto didn't even blink, ignoring Kabuto's existence, awaiting for Hayate's go. Hayate nodded. 

"Begin!" He shouted before dashing back, leaving the two leaf genin to themselves. 

"I don't plan on losing here, Naruto-san, I hope you understand." Kabuto said as he pushed his glasses further on his face. "My sensei would be disappointed." He threw a couple shuriken at Naruto, who easily dodged them as he walked towards Kabuto, his blade out as lightning sparked around it. 

"Your chakra levels are high, very high indeed. But," His Sharingan formed, showing off his two commaed eyes, a small smile on his face. "Can you wield it to such an extent?" Blue chakra began coming off the boy in waves, his smile growing more cruel by the second. "I can!" The chakra almost disappeared spontaneously, and Naruto only held up his lightning covered sword. 

"A threat with no action? I expected better from the son of Kakashi of the Sharingan." Naruto's Sharingan eyes narrowed at the man. 

"Do not associate me with him!" He shouted before a large lightning bolt shot towards Kabuto at well. . . lightning speed, hitting the man square in the chest, causing him to fly back into the wall, a large boom resonating throughout the large room. Naruto looked over to Hayate. 

"He's done." 

"Winner by dea-" Hayate began, but stopped when everyone began hearing slow, sarcastic claps. 

"Congrats, you managed to land a blow on me." Kabuto walked out of the dust that had been unsettled, his eyes hidden as a glint hid them behind his glasses. "But what does a blow mean when there's no damage?" Naruto looked at Kabuto in shock, his purple tunic no longer on, revealing his bare skin showing as he was completely unscathed. 

"There's only a handful of interesting Genin in this room, you being at the top of the list." Naruto said, sheathing his sword. "Failed how many times? 6? 7? And yet, you have a healing factor that outmatches my own. You are a skill medic nin." 

"I prefer the Genin life, I take the Exams for the hell of it. I would like to say I'm on par with your father." Naruto rolled his eyes. 

"Kakashi Hatake is the best Jonin in the village, and arguably in the top 3 of the strongest people in the village, to be a Genin, and have that sort of power," Naruto made a single hand seals as his Sharingan began spinning. "Means you are a liar..." Kabuto felt chakra in the air, the feeling of a genjutsu, and smirked. 

"Kai!" He shouted as he dispersed chakra from his body, only for his smirk to turn into a frown as he saw Naruto just standing there, black slits going straight down his Sharingan eyes, a large fox head standing right behind the boy, snarling his teeth, the killing intent coming at him stacks upon stacks. 

"Kai! Kai! Kai!" He shouted feverishly, but to no prevail. Naruto grinned, his canines showing off. 

"Tell me, do you regenerate if your limbs are cut off?" Naruto asked, making Kabuto shiver. It wasn't a sadistic tone, nor a joking tone, no, Naruto's tone was dead, fucking serious. 

'He will make an excellent vessel indeed!' Kabuto thought as he looked at Naruto as chakra scalpels materialized into his hands. 

"Just try it." He answered as he rushed the boy, only to stop as he felt a sword sticking out of his chest. 

"Multi-Layered Genjustu is a bitch, isn't it?" Kabuto felt red liquid coming out of his mouth as the Naruto in front of him faded from view. "Do you know what medium-rare human smells like? I heard it smells like raw snakes." Kabuto's eyes widened at that before he was electrocuted as the sword that had pierced him burst into lightning, frying him from the inside out. 

After a minute, he fell to the ground, dead. 

"W-Winner by death, Naruto Hatake!" Naruto felt a smirk play on his lips as he closed his eyes. 

Raw snakes indeed. 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Tell meee! Sorry I haven't been uploading often, just been getting hella inspiration for my other story. 

Killshot by Eminem is amazing btw. Fuck MGK. Late, I know. I'm tired. 

Nighty night. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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