Chapter 16: Exams

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"I'm glad you guys decided to come." Hiruzen said, eyeing his three students with a proud gaze. He almost flinched when he saw Naruto's blank face. "I'm sure you will do myself and the Leaf proud." 

"Thank you, sensei." Haku said, a beautiful smile adorning her face, though on the inside, she was worried. Not for her safety, but for Naruto's. The boy had been acting strange, he suddenly just stopped coming home for the night. It had only been two days, but it was weird nonetheless. 

The three began walking into the room, but Naruto was stopped when Hiruzen gently grabbed him by the shoulder. "Naruto. . ." He whispered. "Please protect them." Naruto shrugged off Hiruzen's arms. 

"I'll protect them, but if we have to face each other, I will not hesitate to put them down." And just like that, he left, leaving a shocked and fearful Hiruzen, for this was not the Naruto he knew. 

They arrived in a room that was much larger than a normal one, filled with Genin ranging from kids to adults. Naruto felt their pathetic attempt to scare them with their killing intent, and ignored it. . .for now. 

"Hey guys, bout time you got here!" Kiba shouted as he walked up the the group. "Woah," He muttered as he saw Haku. "Well hello there, I'm-"

"No thanks." She said politely, smiling rather awkwardly. Kiba deflated, his confidence gone. 

"It is not logical to think that you have change with a girl you have yet to meet, especially with your flirty style." Shino said as he pushed his glasses up further on his face. 

"Shut up, Shino." Kiba muttered. 

"G-guys, don't a-argue." Hinata said, her face slightly red. 

"Jeez, what a drag, we're going to have to face you guys too? Damn it." Shikamaru complained as he had his hands in his pockets. 

"Hey Naruto-kun," Ino cooed as she draped her hands over the boy's shoulder, resting her head on his neck. "It's about time you came here." Haku looked at the blonde girl assault Naruto, and felt the urge to put several ice needles throughout her body. 

"Get off of me Ino, I don't want to give the impression that I'm interested in weak shinobi." Ino pouted and got off, slightly hurt by what he had said. 

"That was slightly uncalled for." A new voice spoke up, revealing a boy with grey hair and a pair of glasses, his body clad in a purple and grey medic uniform that was often worn at the hospital besides the cliche white. "I'm Kabuto, and I'd advise you to keep it down, the other villages aren't very friendly." Naruto noticed that everyone in the room was glaring at them, and decided that now would be the time to put them in their place. 

"Look at all of the trash in the room," He began. "You're all garbage, not a single decent shinobi in sight besides a few here and there, but let this be known," He activated his Sharingan and grinned, his eyes widening. "The moment you cross my path in order to harm me, or hold me back in anyway, I will slaughter you like the pigs you are!" And just like that, the crazy switch was turned off and his face was once again expressionless. 

"Woah," Kabuto said, a bit of sweat going down his forehead. "Color me impressed, you managed to make an enemy of almost everybody in here." Naruto shrugged, putting his hands in his black hoodie. 

"I don't care. Let them come after me, I'll bathe them in their own blood and dye the soil red." He glanced at Kabuto. "Now, you've taken the exams before haven't you? Then you no some more info than us, but that doesn't concern me. Tell me, what do you know of Naruto Hatake?" Kabuto smirked and brought out a set of cards. 

"You're lucky, I'm the only Genin in here with that information. Naruto Hatake, huh?" He looked through a bunch of cards and got one out. "Naruto Hatake, 48 D-Ranks, 4 C-Ranks, 1 B-Rank, and wow, 2 A-Rank." Everyone looked at Naruto with looks of surprise. 

The D-Ranks were understandable. But there they have only taken 1 C-Rank that turned A-Rank, but what about the extra missions? Something was definitely up. 

"Nothing much else is known, not a lot of stuff about you in the database at the hospital." Naruto nodded, accepting that. 

"How do you have a B-Rank and another A-Rank?" Sasuke asked curiously, but was promptly ignored by the Hatake. 

Then, a big puff of smoke was heard and the 1st Exam began with a puff of smoke, revealing man clad in all black. 

"Alright maggots, shut up and take a seat!" 

Timeskip for the Reader's AND the author's convenience since I don't enjoy writing Canon too much. Basically, everything is the fuck. ing. same. ya bois and gals. 

"Ibiki," Anko groaned as she saw everybody that was left in the room. "This is too much, you're losing your touch." Ibiki snorted at that. 

"No, we just have the cream of the crop, mentally of course." 

"But can you handle things physically?" She shouted, a bloodthirsty grin on her face. 

"Only if it's with you!" A random Genin shouted, getting snorts from the guys in the rooms and blushes from the girls. Anko grinned. 

"Looks like you just lost your chance, your team fails." The Genin sputtered, but didn't have a chance to argue as Chunin forced him and his team out of the room. "Now, everyone, meet me at Training Ground 44 in five minutes, or else you fail!" And like that, she disappeared in a body flicker. 

"Come on, I know where it is." Naruto muttered to his teammates, and the tree took off from the window Anko had broken to get in the building, making sure not to cut themselves on the glass. 

A Kusa Kunoichi stood up, a sick smile on her face. 

"Looks like the Hatake is interesting." 

And done. Short as hell, I know, sorry. 

But, I need to get back in the mood to write. I'm a little burned out at the moment. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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