Chapter 30: Allies or Enemies

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Kioku had a small frown on his face, rightfully angry. Ellie was asleep, having to be held by him till she passed out in his arms. She was absolutely terrified, and that made him angry. 

Currently, he was walking towards the Tsuchikage Office, intent on speaking with his Kage about this issue. He ignored the nice lady that was Onoki's secretary, a small cloud of guilt going through his stomach that he had just ignored her. 

He burst into the office and saw a man clad in all white, with a red colored hat on the top of his head. 

"Kioku now is not the time for bursting in here without an excuse!" Onoki shouted from his desk, angry and embarrassed, but also quite nervous for reasons unknown to Kioku. 

"Hm, seems you can't find a hold on your own shinobi hm Tsuchikage-dono." The man said, turning to Kioku, and his eyes widened in recognition as if he had seen something that he hasn't seen in a long time. 

"You. . ." He growled out. Kioku shook his head. 

"Tsuchikage-sama, three Leaf Ninja threatened Ellie! I had to practically rock her to sleep!" Kioku exclaimed, ignoring the Hokage who was practically glaring daggers at him. Onoki turned his gaze over to Fugaku Uchiha, the Fifth Hokage, his eyes hardened. 

"Are you trying to cause a war with us, Hokage-dono?" Fugaku's eyes never left Kioku, who shifted uncomfortably under the man's gaze. 

"Of course not, I'll reprimand my shinobi. However, I'm more interested in this young man." He said, a sick glint in his eye that reminded Kioku of a snake. 

"My name is Kioku, Hokage-sama," Kioku said, bowing. "It is a pleasure to obtain your interest." Fugaku's smirk disappeared instantly and was replaced with a frown. 

"Hm, I thought you were someone I used to know, turns out I was wrong. He'd never address me in such a way unless he was, how can I put this, conditioned enough." The way he had said conditioned sent shivers down Kioku's spine, and he had a flaring pain that suddenly was his scar. 

"But other than that, you look exactly like him. It's interesting, to be honest." Kioku cocked his head to the side, confused. 

"Hokage-sama, who did you mistake me for?" He truly wanted to know, first, that woman thought he was someone he wasn't, and now the Hokage? It was bizarre. 

"Ah, his name was Naruto Uchiha, or rather, Naruto Hatake." Kioku froze. That name, it sounded so, familiar. Oh yeah. 

"Like the ramen topping?" Fugaku almost deadpanned at the boy but held his emotionless facade. Yep, that was the familiar feeling, but, why didn't it go away, as if something greater was associated with that name. 

"Yes, like the ramen topping. But he died a long time ago protecting the village. Those nasty Sand Ninja ended up killing him, those sand dwellers," He said, disgust barely hidden in his voice. 

"Yes, the Sand is less than desirable to die too, they're the weakest village among the Great Five," Onoki said distastefully. Fugaku nodded. 

"Indeed, perhaps it'll be the Great Four soon, Tsuchikage-dono. With your help, we can put an end to Kumo, strengthen the bonds between our two villages?" Onoki glanced at Kioku, who was looking at him expectingly for an answer. He sighed. 

"I apologize Hokage-dono, but I believe we will remain neutral throughout this war. We are still recovering from the one 20 years ago." Fugaku looked visibly disappointed but nodded nonetheless. 

"I understand Tsuchikage-dono, I wish you great peace in the future." He bowed to Onoki, who bowed as well. He then turned, and for a second, Kioku could've sworn he saw hatred in the man's eyes. "Till we meet again, young," He paused, a grin on his face that only Kioku could see, showing off his Sharingan eyes that were lit ablaze. "Ki-o-ku." He said, saying ever syllable in the teen's name 

Kioku's froze in his veins as he felt a massive killing intent being forced upon his shoulders as the Hokage grinned crazily at him as he walked past. It was, disturbing, to say the least. 

As soon as the door closed, everything stopped and Kioku was able to move again, his breathing now quick as he hadn't realized he was holding. 

"That man," Kioku began, but Onoki stopped him with a single raised hand, nodding, understanding exactly what Kioku was planning. 

"Yes, he's very dangerous. He killed the Third Hokage with the help of Nuke-Nin Orochimaru and the Kazekage. He took over the Leaf Village and I'm sure they're no better than the Rain Village now." 

"Living in obedience for fear of death." Kioku said, feeling bad for the inhabitants of Konoha that were not part of the Uchiha Clan. "It's a truly terrible thing." Onoki nodded in agreement. 

"Kioku," He began, hesitant to speak as if he were about to say something he might regret. "If the Leaf Ninja attack your daughter again, you have my full permission to defend her, in any way possible." Kioku's eyes widened. 

"But Gramps," He said, dropping the suffix that he used when company was present. "I don't want to start a war, one man's action can lead to death, and I love the Rock Village, I don't want to do anything that'll hurt anybody." Onoki smiled sadly at the teen in front of him, the feeling of pride coming from his chest. 

"You care too much, Kioku, you have a big heart, just like Akatsuchi." Tears threatened to spill out of Kioku's eyes as he fought the urge to cry. He would not, not in front of his Kage, not in front of the man he saw as a grandparent. 

"T-Thank you." He stuttered out. Onoki waved him off. 

"Go see your daughter, but be back here tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. sharp, I have a mission for you." Kioku nodded. 

"May I ask what it is?" Onoki grinned sneakily, getting Kioku to feel a bit uneasy. 

"You and Kurotsuchi will be going to Kumo," He said, and all the blood from Naruto's face drained away as he turned deathly white. "You'll be seeing some old friends, hm?" 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Telll meeeee! Just for clarification, they aren't sure that Kioku is Him yet, they just so far think that he looks like him. 

But yeah, the Kumo Arc is coming up soon, and don't worry. 

I haven't forgotten about the Akatsuki yet. They are quite important. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

The Third Hatake: A Naruto FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora