Part 11: Chopsticks

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After finishing food they went and sat at the dining table where Yoongi placed the food and some chopsticks down.

Jimin thanked him then looked at the appetising food in front of him and then at the utensils he had been given which made him to frown.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it? I can make something else?-" Yoongi began asking panicking - he knew nothing about hybrids or Jimin and that made him doubtful immediately.

Jimin quickly shook saying "It looks and smells delicious I just- I..."

Yoongi could see the hesitation so calmly encouraged "You just what Jiminie?" Pushing the boy as gently as he could with his words.

Jimin sighed picking up the two chopsticks, holding one in each hand then saying "I don't know how to use these thingies."

Yoongi had to admit he was slightly surprised but hid it well with a kind smile as he said "Well today you'll learn then."

Jimin nodded with a look of determination which made Yoongi chuckle.

Yoongi held his chop sticks appropriately in his hand then nodded at Jimin to try.

Jimin tilted his head cutely, getting up and inspecting how Yoongi was holding them before returning back to his seat.

He held both of them in one hand - which was already an improvement - then tried to balance them properly.

He stuck his tongue out as he concentrated on what he was doing, dropping the chopsticks about ten times before throwing himself back in the chair.

He sadly whined "I can't do it." In a tone of defeat with a pout which caused Yoongi to chuckle and get out of his own seat, going over to Jimin.

"Give me your hand." Was all Yoongi said as he held his hand out waiting, Jimin slowly taking his hand confused.

Yoongi picked up the chopsticks and repositioned them how they should be held then mimicking the motion that should be done with food.

Jimin was becoming more confused by the second at how Yoongi was doing it and was convinced it was some kind of sorcery.

Yoongi noticed this and couldn't help but smile at the amazement that was also mixed with Jimin's confusion.

"Have a go now." Yoongi instructed moving away to quickly finish up his ramen, watching as Jimin struggled.

After probably less than a minute Jimin threw himself back in defeat again, mad at how badly he was failing in front of Yoongi who he for some reason felt the need to impress.

Yoongi finished up his ramen at this point so ended up moving his chair closer to Jimin being able to tell he couldn't figure it out and knowing he didn't have clean utensils since he forgot to put the dishwasher on before leaving thus the ramen for tea.

Yoongi picked up the abandoned chopsticks making a note to maybe get some training ones from the store then scooped up some of the food bringing it to Jimin's lips.

"Say ahhh." Yoongi said with a kind smile which Jimin tried to ignore not wanting the food because he couldn't use the chopsticks.

Yoongi already figured out this was going to happen so already had a plan.

"Jiminie if you eat all your ramen we can get sashimi tomorrow, how does that sound?"

Jimin looked to confused as he cast his mind back at the familiar word, not recognising it but still reluctantly opening his mouth because it sounds cool.

Yoongi slid the food into Jimin's mouth, watching as Jimin figured out if he liked it or not - which thankfully he did.

Yoongi then fed him the rest of his food without an issue, Jimin blushing more and more the more Yoongi fed him which Yoongi found adorable.

After that Jimin insisted on cleaning up to try and be helpful so Yoongi let him, watching over him to make sure it went okay.

"Now that's all done, you ready to go get some warm pyjamas?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin nodding quickly in response as he continued to fight he tiredness taking over as well as the thick scent of Yoongi from the robe.

Both of which played into Jimin just wanting to curl up and sleep.

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