Part 21: Work

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Jimin his behind Yoongi from the moment the pair got out of the car.

Jimin felt very nervous because this was where Yoongi worked and he didn't want to embarrass him or himself - but mainly Yoongi.

Yoongi noticed this so held his hand out if Jimin wanted to take it as to offer comfort which Jimin instantly took walking closely to him with his head down.

Now what was a surprise to anyone who knew Yoongi in a work environment was the smirk on their bosses face as he walked through the doors.

Yoongi took Jimin over to the desk and asked sternly "Has Jeon signed in yet?" Which the lady at the main desk shook her head to, too captivated by how handsome Yoongi was and how even more so he did when smiling.

All attention in the room was on him and he knew it.

"When he signs in he'll have someone with him called Kim Taehyung. I want you to print him a permanent pass with his name and face, same goes for this young man." Yoongi said in a cold tone which surprised Jimin enough to look up at his face instead of to the floor.

"Understood. Um Sir? Could you please give me your name and remove your hat so I can take a photo?" The lady asked feeling pressured as her boss stood there observing.

"Keep the hat on. Same goes for the other boy if he's wearing one." Yoongi said when Jimin looked to him not sure what to do.

"Okay, then smile please." The lady said so Jimin did a giant grin like he would when Jin used to take imaginary pictures of them which 'were saved in his memory with a filter and captions because who needs a camera when you have a mind.'

The woman thought it was adorable but didn't know if it was allowed so glanced at Yoongi who nodded as he smiled at the boy so she took it.

"And your name?" She asked sweetly her heart instantly warming to the handsome, cute young boy.

"Park Jimin nice to meet you." Jimin said with another wide smile before squinting his eyes trying to read her name tag and wording "K-im S-un-ni... Kim Sunni!"

She smiled as she handed him his ID sweetly replying "It's nice to meet you too, Park Jimin."

Yoongi nodded to the woman before starting to walk away, Jimin quickly scurrying behind him cutely holding the pass in his small hands.

Yoongi finally stopped walking at the elevator glancing behind him to see Jimin trying to keep up.

When Jimin finally got there he was out of breath just from how fast Yoongi walked and had his breath taken away by the sheer power of his hyung's walking when trying to be cold which Jimin had to admit was what he's sure Jin would deem 'hot' which he didn't 100% understand but assumed that's what that walk was because, damn, it was powerful.

Yoongi glanced around with an unamused gaze making everyone go back to work instantly before looking to Jimin with warm eyes and a small smile asking "Are you okay?"

Jimin nodded, feeling his face heat up from the change of Yoongi attitude from going cold to soft.

"Good, now follow me." Yoongi said softly stepping into the elevator which had arrived.

Jimin looked at the door confused until Yoongi nodded reassuring him as he stepped in.

Yoongi pressed a few buttons and the doors shut slowly making Jimin very confused.

The whole lift then jumped a little before moving up slowly making Jimin himself jump and take a fighting stance.

Yoongi burst into a fit of laughter confusing Jimin who turned slowly not wanting to look away from the door but curious as to why Yoongi was laughing.

"It's- it's okay Jiminie. It's just a lift." Yoongi said trying to stop laughing but failing.

"What's a lift?" Jimin asked still not moving out of stance.

"It takes you straight up instead of having to do stairs which is important when your office is on the top floor. Other people can get on too so your best stopping looking so scury because it might spook them." Yoongi said secretly finding the stance adorable.

Jimin's eyes widened in realisation so he jumped to get out of stance and stand up straight, falling over and landing straight into Yoongi's arms who caught him.

Both bursting out laughing synchronised.

"Your an odd one Park Jimin." Yoongi commented with a gummy smile getting "Not as odd as you Mister Min Yoongi - too lazy for stairs." Back from Jimin who stuck his tongue out.

Yoongi rolled his eyes as Jimin wasn't the first person to say that to him but going up so many stairs a day got boring and tiring if your up and down all day so he decided he'd let Jimin do it at some point with Jin and Taehyung since he wasn't about to put himself through that.

Jimin's pass slipped out of his hand so he quickly said "Oopsies." Picking it up and holding it again.

Yoongi shook his head holding his hand out which Jimin confusedly took making Yoongi just wanna hug and cuddle him all day.

Instead of letting go though he just used his other hand to take the card from Jimin's which Jimin then realised he meant but wasn't complaining that Yoongi was holding his hand.

Yoongi then clipped it onto Jimin's shirt commenting "You look professional." Which made Jimin brightly smile saying "Thank you." Pulling at Yoongi's arm sweetly.

Jimin's face then changed in an instance to one of confusion as he asked "Hyung why were you being so... Hm... blank? Down there? Like you didn't have your pretty smile and your voice sounded more bossy."

Yoongi knew Jimin would pick up on it and was just glad he didn't assume how he treated the boy was an act like people had done before even though Jimin was the first to see Yoongi this soft.

"That's because I'm the boss Jiminie. I have to act like that or people might start to slack off. They get treated well but if I'm brief and too the point with a presence they work efficiently, so I stick to that attitude and giving them what they need to make work easier for them. Although that attitude still doesn't deter people from trying to seduce me... they think i'm going to be the love interest in their k drama life, when in reality I will only ever be their boss." Yoongi said ending off in a little rant that Jimin giggled at.

The door opened and they arrived at the top floor.

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