Part 29: Trouble

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"So which one of you thought that playing catch with toilet roll undone let alone in general was a good idea?" Yoongi asked with the four boys lined up in front of his desk which him and Namjoon stood behind.

They all looked to Jimin hoping he'd take the blame since he was obviously Yoongi's weak spot but Jimin couldn't bear the thought of his Yoongi, well not technically his but his, being mad at him.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked in his boss tone, raising an eyebrow at the betrayed looking kitten.

"What- No- I could- why- I was just counting. They were the ones throwing it. I'm more of a cheerleader myself." Jimin said getting a nod from Yoongi who nodded Jimin over before pulling him down onto his lap.

Jimin blushes as Yoongi proceeded to rub circles on his thigh more as a comfort to himself not to go tooooo mad at the other boys.

"Well?" Yoongi said in a cold tone that sent chills through them all, including Namjoon who obviously wasn't being yelled at.

"Okay so-" Taehyung started before Jungkook cut him off saying "It was me." To Which Jin followed remembering a scene from some film he watched also saying "It was me." Hoping Taehyung would catch on which he didn't.

"Go on Tae." Yoongi said sitting back a little ready to hear the over dramatic story.

"Okay basically I was all like 'I want a ball' and Jungkook was like 'I left it at home sorry bae' and then Jin was like 'we shouldn't throw balls inside anyways' To Which I said 'your just scared because you'll know I'm the best boi when it comes to anything ball related' and Jimin started to giggle with me when it ticked to both of us what I insinuated." Taehyung said before taking a large over dramatic breath.

"Then Jin was all like 'I can beat you easily. Don't forget who the mama bear is around here' and Kookie was all like 'and who the golden maknae is' and then they started a war throwing stuff off of desks at each other which I being an intellect quickly stopped saying 'Jimin go get toilet roll but like the tube too. No questions' so Jimin did because he's an angel and I was like 'now stawp this quarrel and let's rejoice over the blessing that is toilet roll that can clean up our messes including this debate and the spilt drink on the floor.'" Taehyung then took another breath continuing.

"And thennnn. Jiminie came back and I opened the toilet roll and wiped up the floor and Jimin helped as Jin and Jungkook glared at each other trying to be intimidating but just being cute so I got toilet roll and wrapped it on them both and Jin took it off me and threw it at Kook so they started throwing it and it ended in Jin hitting me with it and apologising then Jungkookie being like 'don't hurt TaeTae' making he battle intense so I got involved then you guys came up when it hit Jimin who had even cheering with the extra toilet roll he brought not knowing how much we needed." Taehyung said taking his final breath required to breathe normally.

Yoongi just face palmed before saying "Jeon. Kim. Clean it up. Not you Taehyung I understand your weird logic and it is appreciated."

Jin and Jungkook nodded before leaving the room with their heads down going to clean as Namjoon just asked "What are we gonna do with them?"

Taehyung was quick to say "Give them food."

Jimin rolled his eyes dramatically before saying "You just want Jungkook to feed you." Which Taehyung couldn't even deny.

Both hybrids started laughing and Namjoon and Yoongi just watched with admiring smiles until they heard a loud thud coming from the other room.

They all quickly got up and went to see what happened being met with Jungkook in Jin's mothering arms nearly crying because of how hard he hit his head on the desk.

Taehyung ran over protectively followed by the others ending in the mess uncleaned by them and a extra bit of pay for the cleaners on their floor today.

Hybrid - YoonminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon