Part 31: Blushing

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It had officially been 12 hours 27 minutes and 32 seconds since Jimin and Yoongi shared their first kiss(es.)

Jimin had ended up just sleeping straight through to the next morning where as Yoongi decided to get some work done after carrying Jimin to bed.

Jimin woke up first being a blushing mess as he looked at Yoongi who was asleep effortlessly looking handsome next to him.

He still couldn't believe that he kissed his hyung or that his hyung had kissed him back.

Jimin looked at the clock to see the time deciding it was to wary to wake Yoongi up so thought he'd try and make pouched egg in the microwave like Jin taught him to do in the office for both of them to have for breakfast.

He cracked open an egg and put it in half a cup of water with a bit of pepper, then shoving it in the microwave for 110 seconds specifically since Jin told him it was important.

He did the same again as he shoved some bread in the toaster and put some beans in the microwave too.

He scooped out the egg from the cup putting it on the toast when ready and poured some beans on the side.

He was juicing oranges when Yoongi came down smelling food.

Yoongi couldn't help the smile which chuck into his face as he watched Jimin work away in the kitchen even if it was only something simple it was sweet and Yoongi wanted to give him all the love in the world to show how grateful he was.

Jimin went to grab a cup to pour the juice into when he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist.

Jimin quickly turned his head startled since he was in full focus mode but couldn't help a giggle escape his lips as he went back to what he was doing.

His tail wrapped around Yoongi's leg keeping him where he was even though Yoongi had no intention of moving.

"Good morning kitten." Yoongi said in his morning voice which would've probably made Jimin blush if his face wasn't already red from his continuous blushing since the night before.

"Good morning hyung." Jimin said quietly pouring the juice before slowly waddling to the table where the rest of the food was.

"I made food so you have to eat it." Jimin said walking Yoongi to his seat before going to his own.

"Thank you for the food Jiminie. I knew you were handsome but who knew you could cook too." Yoongi commented with a goofy smile.

Jimin smiled brightly back saying "Jin Hyung taught me and I wanted to surprise you."

Yoongi chuckled again saying "Thank you." Before taking a bite of the food.

His eyes shot up to Jimin as he stated "This is delicious." Even though it was nothing it was the best thing Yoongi ever ate -maybe food just tasted better when you love the person who made it you (Or he'd never had anything nice before...)

Jimin's face lit up as he giddily shouted "Thank youuuuuuuuu~!" Really happy Yoongi liked it and liking that he was able to do something for Yoongi.

They carried on eating breakfast then cleaning up which led to Yoongi bear hugging Jimin because he liked the food that much making Jimin want to cook it constantly because the work was well worth the reward.

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