Part 15: Shopping

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In the car Jimin found a hat so Yoongi let him wear it, covering his cat ears making him look like anybody else since his tail was also hidden in his pants.

Jimin didn't know a lot about cars but he quickly decided that Yoongi's was his favourite even if it didn't look like it got used often.

They both got out after Yoongi parked up with Yoongi leading Jimin into the main shopping area.

It was surprisingly busy which made Yoongi a bit nervous about losing Jimin so he said "Try not to get lost or separated from me Okay?" Which Jimin simply said "Okay." In response too.

They entered their first store which was surprisingly cheap and catered to hybrids; Yoongi grabbing Jimin basic stuff like underwear, socks, pants, shirts and all that stuff - most of which was could easily be styled.

Yoongi told Jimin to pick up whatever stood out to him but he quickly noticed that Jimin was reading price tags instantly being driven away which he found cute but also inconvenient.

He decided his next stop would be a store which he knew didn't have price tags on display since you could either afford it or you couldn't.


Yoongi was pretty well off so didn't mind spending that extra bit on Jimin since it was basically nothing to him.

They entered the store where they were instantly greeted in which Yoongi did most of the talking saying they were just looking around before taking Jimin's hand and leading him to the back.

This time Yoongi didn't let Jimin know the prices and bought whatever Jimin asked for which still wasn't a lot but it was more than what he had before.

Jimin didn't like the amount of people around once they left the shop so held tightly onto the back of Yoongi's shirt which signalled to Yoongi that there were too many people for Jimin to handle in that moment.

Yoongi debated on wether to get food out or not but that decision was quickly made when he saw a group of men eyeing up Jimin.

Yoongi protectively took Jimin's hand before leading him back to the car from which they drove home.

In the car Yoongi noticed Jimin let out a held in breath making him feel better about just going home rather than eating out.

That was until he realised he had no food in so opt for a drive through instead.

Yoongi turned the car heading back in the direction they just came from causing Jimin to look at him confused.

"I'm just gonna quickly go through a drive through so we can have something easy for dinner." Yoongi explained upon noticing Jimin's confusion.

Jimin nodded not sure what a drive through was or which threw was supposed to be used when writing it down.

They drove back until Yoongi took a turn into a place Jimin obviously didn't recognise.

"Do you like burgers and chips?" Yoongi asked causing Jimin to shrug shyly explaining "I lived off of kimchi, rice, bread and tuna so I don't know what they are really..."

Yoongi felt pity for him taking note and deciding he'd take Jimin to try lots of food this deciding it'd start today.

"Is there anything you've ever heard of that you wanted to try?" Yoongi asked watching as Jimin thought, sticking his bottom lip out as he did so.

Jimin's face lit up as words ran through his head from a story Jin told him about the best food he ever had.


Yoongi couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter because of Jimin's excitement and the irony of the situation.

"What?" Jimin asked thinking he'd say something stupid.

Yoongi nodded towards the sign and said "We're already here."

Jimin's ear perked up in excitement as he started to bounce on his seat.

"So they have burger and chips at McDonald's?" Jimin asked suddenly filled with excitement.

Yoongi nodded and explained "They also have more but how abouts we start with that today and some ice cream and get something different next time?"

Jimin nodded repeatedly with a giant toothy smile which Yoongi had to stop himself from awing at.

Yoongi then went through the drive through getting the food and handing it to Jimin asking him to hold it until they got home.

They managed to get back quickly so Yoongi pulled in grabbing the bags and some of the food from Jimin, somehow getting in with his hands full.

They went straight to the living room, Jimin following Yoongi's lead.

"And now we eat." Yoongi said flopping back onto the couch.

Jimin sat on the other end of the couch slowly sliding over as Yoongi started pulling the food out.

He sat further away originally because he didn't want to burden Yoongi with his present but ended up sitting closely next to him.

Yoongi lay all the food out and Jimin subconsciously licked his lips which didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi who had admit it was kinda hot.

Yoongi picked up his burger ready to dig in when he noticed Jimin looking at his own unsure.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked slightly worried due to the very sudden change in attitude.

Jimin looked at him then back at the burger with his eyebrows furrowed, taking a breath before asking "How are you supposed to keep the thingies in the burger? Won't it fall out?"

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh dropping his burger onto his lap as he did so.

"See." Jimin said quickly getting up and helping repile Yoongi's burger.

"It's because I was laughing Jimin-ah. You just pick it up and eat it. Hold it tight enough and it won't fall out." Yoongi said still laughing.

Jimin stopped picking up the pieces resting his hand on Yoongi's leg, looking up at him confused.

Yoongi finished picking up his burger then ate it mumbling "See." With a mouthful of food.

Jimin looked at his burger sceptically before doing the same, his eyes lighting up at the taste.

"This is easily the second best thing I've ever eaten." Jimin said with starry eyes.

Yoongi smiled swallowing his food then asking "First being what?"

Jimin didn't even have to think about it, nor did he wait to swallow the bite he just took as he confidentially said "Kimchi." Which made them both laugh.

Even though it was supposed to go with a meal Jimin would happily snack on it on its own all day.

Yoongi could confidentially say he'd laughed more in the last twenty four hours than he had in the past week << realistically speaking.

He just guessed Jimin had that affect on him.

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